Blood Meridian

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"Hey, Why'd ya have us lifting the heavy stuff?" Mammon whined as he and Beel moved Lucifer's desk down the hallway and into my room. 

"Because I'm the oldest." Lucifer said as he placed a box on top of the desk. Mammon faltered, almost dropping his side as Beel kept his side upright. 

"Why do you get to sleep in Pixel's room? It's not fair, she likes me the best~" Asmo whined too, looking at me and pouting.

"This is what Lord Diavolo requested. He asked for me, not you." Lucifer lied. Lord Diavolo wasn't the mastermind behind this, Lucifer offered to stay in my room. 

I walked passed them arguing, holding three boxes and trying to peek around them so I wouldn't run into anyone. Suddenly someone grabbed the boxes out of my hands, it was Satan. 

"You're doing too much, why don't you go direct the unpacking team?" He asked, seemingly irritated at my attempts to help. 

Defeated, I went back to my room. 

My room? Mine and Lucifer's room? Our room? It doesn't sound right. This is embarrassing.

"Hey, be careful with that! It's limited edition, only two hundred were made!" Leviathan was hovering over Belphegor who was trying to organize all of the things Lucifer had brought with him.

"Levi, why don't you organize the clothes or something and leave me alone? the faster I get this done the faster I get to leave and I'm ready for my before-dinner nap" Belphegor yawned, holding the limited edition sword in his other hand as he pointed it at Leviathan. 

I walked in and saw Belphegor holding a sword up to Leviathan. My eyes grew wide and I yelled out "Stop, Bellflower!" 

Belphegor looked at me, confused at first and then laughing, putting down the sword. 

"Pixel, it's Belphegor. Just call me Belphie, if you can remember that much." He shook his head and looked at me, a smile still playing on his lips. 

"Belphie, I am so sorry. You can hit me with your pillow if you want, I'm a Doofus from planet Dorkus" I slumped my shoulders down and exhaled.

Am I gonna get anything right? Ever? 

Leviathan laughed at that and chimed in "LMAO You're the Doofus Queen! You've been calling me Leverton ever since you got back from Lord Diavolo's palace." He rolled his eyes and looked away, blushing he said "You can call me Levi. or Leviachan!" 

"Why didn't you say anything and correct me?!" I shouted at him, doubly embarrassed now. 

"You normies never listen, why would I try?" he said, looking down and kicking his foot. 

"I may be a normie, but I would never try to hurt your feelings on purpose. Please feel comfortable telling me when I have messed up, I'll do my best to listen and correct myself." I said, trying my best to not over do it, knowing he would more than likely run off.

He looked up at me, surprised and blushing. "You don't have to be so nice to me! Nyah- I can't be here! I've got a livestream starting, I just remembered" and he ran out the door.

Shit. I blew it. 

I sighed and looked at Belphie. "I blew it, huh?" 

"No, you probably actually just made a friend. At least with me." He tilted his head and smiled "Come sit with me, I've got some questions I wanted to ask you." He patted his pillow and offered it as a seat. 

I walked over and sat, looking through the box of items, taking them out one by one. 

"What's up, buttercup?" I said and chuckled, looking at a crystal paperweight. 

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