AwA #1

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"uh uh". You mumbled as natasha handed you the small cup that Yelena filled with the correct amount of antibiotic,which y'all picked up from the pharmacy earlier in the day after your doctor appointment.

"You heard the doctor,you have to take it,you will feel better if you take it". Nat told you.

You shook your head. Nat nodded her head.

"Why wont you take it". She asked.

"Nasty". You finally told her.

"So the only reason you won't take your medicine is because you don't like the taste"? She asked,you nodded your head.

"Well you can have some juice after". She said,trying to hand you the cup again. You still refused to take it.

"Fine. No medicine,no cartoons. Get ready for bed. I'm not gonna argue about this". She told you. You frowned and looked down at your hands.

"Are you going to take your medicine"? She asked one last time. You didn't answer.

"Then time for a bath". She said.

"No baff". You told her.

"Then shower. You're getting in either way. So choose before I do and if I do,it'll be a shower". She told you. Even though you really wanted to feel better, you did not want to take a shower or bath either. You didnt move or say anything.

She stood up and grabbed your hand. Even though you were really tired,you still tried to fight back. You just really didnt want to get in the bath.

So you pulled your hand away. She was getting frustrated with you. She sighed.

"I'd rather not have to punish you because you feel like shit,but you dont seem to want to feel better. You barely ate dinner,actually you barely ate anything today. And now you won't take your medicine or a bath. Your only going to feel worse". You just kept looking at your hands in your lap.

She left the living room and went into the kitchen to talk to Yelena,who had been washing the dishes from the day.

A few minutes later,Yelena came out of the kitchen and into the living room,where you were still sitting on the couch.

"Stand up please". Yelena said. You thought about it for a second,then stupidly decided not to listen,again.

"I'm not gonna tell you again,get up so you can take a shower". She told you,her voice stern.

You finally stood up from the sofa. She took your hand and took you into the bathroom. When you got to the bathroom,you tried to get your blue rubber duck,but she didnt let you.

"You dont need it. Youre taking a shower then going to bed. Come on". She told you. She already had the water on and set to the right temperature.

"Are you gonna do it yourself or not?" She asked,referring to you taking a shower without help. Apparently you didn't want to talk today.

"Arms up". She told you. You put your arms straight up above your head. She lifted your shirt up and took it off. Next was your bra,along with your pants and underwear. She put them on the stool that was in there. You got in the shower.

You got your hair wet,she put a bit of shampoo into her hand then your hair. She scrubbed the soap into your hair,after,she rinsed it out.

She then put soap onto your rag,and washed most of your body,she grave you the rag to wash the more personal areas of your body. After that,she grabbed the showerhead and rinsed the soap off your body.

You got dried with a towel. Yelena was about to grab your pajamas,but realized nobody got any. She called for Natasha.

"Hey nat?" She yelled. A few minute later,the bathroom door opened slightly.

"Yeah?" Natasha asked.

"We forgot pajamas,can you go grab a pair?" Yelena asked her.

"Sure". Natasha said. She closed the door and went to get the pajamas.

When she came back,she gave them to Yelena. They were Winnie the pooh long sleeve tee shirt and pants.

She used the towel to dry you off the rest of the way. Then got you dressed,first your pull up, then your pants and shirt. She dried your hair and helped you brush your teeth.

She finally opened the door to leave the bathroom. You were way to tired to walk and she noticed that. She lifted you up and carried you to the bedroom.

She put you on the bed and lied next to you. A few minutes after,Nat walked into the room and gave you a bottle. She told you that it only had water in it and to not drink a lot at once.

You took the bottle and rolled over,closing your eyes. They both whispered good night in your ear and you gave a tiny smile.

You had been sleeping alright for a few hours,then it got bad again.

You practically jumped out of bed,to get to the bathroom. You barely made it.

Your throat was burning,your stomach felt like you were getting stabbed,and your cheeks were getting stained by your tears.

You were trying to be quiet as to not wake them up. You were unsuccessful with that because you heard someone get out of bed and come into the bathroom, it was Yelena.

She grabbed a wash rag out of the drawer and got it wet with warm water. She sat down on the floor next to you.

You had stopped throwing up. There wasn't much of anything since you hadn't ate anything the whole day. You luckily didnt have to worry about getting anything in your hair because its not long enough.

She still brushed away the hair that was near your eyes. And wiped your mouth with the rag.

"I'm only gonna ask you once. You can either take your medicine or go see Bruce. So which one?" She asked softly.

"No Bruce". You said,your voice barely louder than a whisper.

"Than we need to go to the kitchen so you can take your medicine." She stood up. You did the same and followed her into the kitchen.

You stood waiting for her to get the medicine ready. She poured it into a small medicine cup and handed it to you. You stood holding the cup,trying to prepare yourself.

"How about I do it for you"?she asked. You were confused and didnt know how to answer,since you didnt know what she meant.

She took the small cup into her hand. She had you tilt your head back and open your mouth. Then she plugged yout nose and poured the medicine into your mouth.

You didnt want to swallow it at first,but she told you also wouldn't have been able to breathe with your nose plugged and the medicine in your mouth. You finally took some medicine for the first time that day.

You and Yelena went back in the room and went to sleep. When you woke up the next morning,you were obviously still sick,but you felt more energized.

You knew you still had to take more medicine but you didn't refuse it.

A few days later you were all better. You were no longer sick.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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