Chapter 47: Home World

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       You groan, holding your head as you sit up. Your ears are ringing. You can hear the sound of muffled banging in the distance. Your first instinct is to open your eyes, but doing so causes your head to throb more. You wince, sucking in a breath as you shut your eyes tightly. The walls surrounding you are bright white, making you dizzy the moment you lay your (e/c) eyes on them. Where the hell am I? You push yourself from the floor, your footing unsteady. Your ears are still ringing loudly, making your headache worse, but you can still hear banging through the high-pitched noise. You move toward the sound, taking short steps so as not to fall. The banging becomes more clear, and the ringing in your ears is quieter. You peel your eyes open slowly, letting in a little light at a time. The closer you get to the banging sound, the more colorful the room is, making it easier on the eyes. Maroon and orange hues fall over the blank white walls, reminding you of the sun setting on Beach City. Once you open your (e/c) eyes completely, you gasp, shocked at the sight before you. "Jasper?" The quartz snaps her head towards you, pressing her palms against the bubble she is in. It's Garnet's bubble,'s huge. And Jasper, unpoofed, stands inside of it. "Wh-What are you doing in there," you ask, pressing your palms against the surface of the bubble over Jasper's.

        "Y-You're okay. I—I th-thought you were gone," the quartz says, her voice wavering. Jasper's hair was all over the place, frizzy and knotted. Her uniform was wrinkled, one of the straps hanging off of her.

        "Are you okay? What happened?"

        "I—I've been trying to get out of this stupid bubble to get to you," she replies, tears running down her cheeks. "I called your name an-and called your name, but you didn't just laid on the ground so I-I thought..."

        "Hey, hey, look at me," you say, tapping on the bubble's surface. "It's okay. I'm okay."

        "Y-You're not," Jasper shouts, banging her fist on the bubble. You flinch, her outburst frightening you. "You're hurt and you're on Homeworld! I've seen a room like this before...the Diamonds are going to kill you and I'm not there!"

        "Wh-What are you—," you start, clutching your shorts. Jasper cut you off.

        "I need out! I need out of this bubble right fucking now so I can come and protect you," she screams, banging on the bubble again. The bubble's surface doesn't so much as fracture, no matter how hard Jasper hits it. You run your fingers through your (h/c) hair, squeezing your head. What's going on? What's happening, you ask yourself. The last thing I remember is being thrown on the ship... You sink to your knees, looking around the room. No Steven, but where could he be? If what Jasper said is true then... You flinch at the sound of Jasper's claws scraping against the surface of Garnet's bubble. You gasp when your eyes fall on her, seeing blue spots and spikes beginning to appear on her arm, disfiguring the limb.

        "Jasper," you shout, crawling over to her. "Ju-Just calm down, I'm okay! I promise! I just have to find Steven and—"

        "No," she growls, startling you. "Rose can't do anything to help you. The Diamonds have most likely already shattered her for her crimes. So they'll either put you in the zoo, or kill you, and I have to be there! I-I have to! I can't—I can't...lose you," she says, her voice quieting to a whisper as she falls to her knees. Your eyes soften at the broken quartz before you, and you sigh softly, pressing your forehead to the bubble. "You're going to die here, and I can't do anything about it." Your heart breaks at the sound of Jasper's voice as you watch her sob in front of you. "All because...of this dumb, bubble!" The quartz soldier begins punching at the bubble again, the occasional kick added to her attack on the prison. The angrier she seems to get, the more the corruption on her arm spreads. Your eyes widen, and you stand up, yelling for Jasper to stop. But she ignores you, spin-dashing. Tears begin running down your cheeks as the orange and maroon light on the white walls in the room becomes tainted with blue. The new color seems to eat away at the orange. You bang your fist against the outside of the bubble, screaming for Jasper to stop, but she doesn't. The bubble begins to crack, the fractures littering the surface until it breaks like glass. You let out a cry of pain as your back slams into one of the walls, the impact knocking the wind out of you. You gasp for air, your vision blurry as your eyes search for Jasper. The now fully corrupted quartz soldier stands in front of you, sniffing and huffing at the air. She then begins howling, the sound causing your ears to ring again. You grit your teeth, slamming your hands over your ears to protect them.

Jasper x Fem! Reader (NOT FINISHED, may continue at a later date)Where stories live. Discover now