Chapter One

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    Ping. I glanced at my phone. It was a notification from Tinder saying some guy had messaged me. I opened the app to see a message from a boy named Devontae. He had said "Hey, how are you? I just moved here to Indiana from Florida for a Football Scholarship to College. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." Unsure of what to say I thought for a moment before replying. I mean after all is it safe to go meet up with some random guy I just met from Tinder? Probably not.
     I gathered my thoughts before replying back saying " Hey, I'm doing good and yourself? That's cool! What position do you play? We could hang out just let me know when and I'll let you know if I'm free." Moments later I hear another Ping from my phone. Wow does he sure text back fast! He said "How about now? I could pick you up and we can go to the park. Just send me your address."
     At this point I really started thinking about giving him my address. I mean after all he could be a serial killer. Maybe I'm being too irrational. After a few minutes of going back and forth between thoughts in my head I just decided to do it anyways. I mean what could go wrong? I sent him my address and he texted back that he's on the way.
      About 15 mins later he sent me a text saying he was here so I headed outside. I go outside to be greeted with a Mercedes Benz. I opened the car door and he greets me with a "Nice to meet you." I reply back to him "Nice to meet you as well." He begins driving and I stay quiet waiting till we arrive at the park.
      10 minutes later and we've arrived at the park. He gets out and so do I. Devontae starts the conversation off by asking me to tell him about myself. So as we are walking I reply " My names Autumn.. I'm a senior in high school. I live with my mom and 3 siblings. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. I love makeup and shopping. Pink is my favorite color. I wanna go to college for nursing and that's all I can really think of. What about you? Tell me about yourself."  He starts " Well my name is Devontae as you already know haha! I'm from Florida but moved here for a scholarship for Football at IWU. I'm a Running Back. I love football." As he finished his sentence I asked him What was high school in Florida like? We talked for what seem like hours but in reality it was only 45 minutes.
       We head back to the car and from there we head back to my house. The whole 15 minutes home I was thinking that he wasn't all too bad. But little did I know that soon things would take a turn for the worst.

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