|| Is Nezuko Okay? ||

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-=Muichiro's POV=-
"Nezuko! Watch out!" I could hear Senjuro warning Nezuko as soon as the big wave was coming right behind her. I could see Nezuko turning around, but it was too late as the big blue wave crashed onto her.I was surprised, Senjuro would scream for Nezuko's name once more. Sabito had a calm expression on his face and sighed.

"It's okay guys, Nezuko can swim right? They will be fine." Sabito said confidently.

1...2...3..Nezuko didn't come up. 4..5... Suddenly Daki would run up towards us with a worried expression on her face,after running towards our way,she would stop and sustain herself with her small hands on her knees while panting.

"Daki, What's wrong?" Makomo would jog towards her making sure Daki was okay,gently helping her up from her tiered position.

"Nene..huff.she..." Daki would pause for a bit to swallow her dry throat before talking.

"What's wrong with Nezuko?" Senjuro would ask Daki with the worried expression not leaving his face.

"Nezuko can't swim!" Daki exclaimed with her last breath. I was shocked, Daki's words echoed through my ears,my so called "heart" would stop pounding,and a cold shiver of fear would crawl on my back giving me goose bumps.I then started to take my white T-shirt off making it fall onto the sand and run towards the sea to save the radish from drowning.I dived into the blue sea water making a splash of water sound above the water.The water wasn't to deep,surely Nezuko could of swam up,but something didn't feel right.Swimming more into the blurry water,it then hit me,something would get my attention,and I would turn my head,finding Nezuko drowning with her head leaving a small trail of her dark red of blood.The irony blood filled my nostrils as I began to get closer to my assistants body to take a better look at what happened.There was a rock next to her,covered a bit in her blood,I then realized that Yashiro actually hit her head on the rock causing her to knock out.But there wasn't the time to think,I would grab Nezuko's fragile figure and bring her up to the surface,gasping for breath until I got up with the unconscious assistant,I would swim back to shore with my feet back on the creamy dry sand while running with her in my arms to where Daki's and Nezuko's towels and umbrella where.The group would then run towards me and Nezuko's pale,fragile and mostly cold knocked out figure, sabito was feeling uneasy, Daki was worried. We didn't know that this would happen.

"Nezuko! Is she okay?" Daki dashed towards me and Nezuko, kneeling down and pulling her best friend in a warm embrace.

"Wait! Nezuko is knocked out,let me check if she's okay!" Sabito insisted on helping,me and Daki moved out of his way. Sabito kneeled down and placed his head on the girls chest to make sure her heart was beating.

"She's okay,she's just knocked out,somebody find me some bandages and a towel!" Sabito sighed.

Everyone sighed in relief, Daki went to grab a towel out of her backpack and Makomo tries helping by running to a teacher to ask for where she could get bandages.I tried helping as well,by bandaging Nezuko's head with the bandages while pursing my lips together that Makomo got from the teacher.Daki covered Nezuko's cold fragile petite figure into a dry and warm white towel that she got from her red backpack. Hours went by,the group gone back to playing volley ball,and me and Daki stayed next to my assistant to make sure that she was okay.I didn't say anything,I was still worried a bit for Nezuko ,but what was odd was that rock that was there,how come the rock was there? I would put my white T-shirt back on since it was dried up and wasn't soaked anymore.  I squinted my eyes in deep thought...

"Hey Muichiro?" I would snap back to reality hearing Daki calling out my name.

"Yeah?" I responded while staring at Daki listening for what she wanted to talk to me about.

"If I asked for you to take care of Nezuko for me,would you do it?" Daki had a serious tone in her voice. But little did she know that i actually promised to myself and her older brother Tanjiro to protect Nezuko.

"Of course I would." I had an honest look on my face with a small smile on my lips. Daki smiled back.

"Then i trust you." She said confidently. More hours went by,the sun was setting,the sky was a red-to-orange tone at the direction the sun was setting,it was a beautiful sun rise. The seagulls would fly across the sky,and the calming sound waves crashing onto the wet sand causing for it to turn into a white fluffy sea foam at the edge was relaxing,making me feel a bit more calmer. Daki had to go with the teacher to help them with something for the next day with Makomo going with her to help her on her task. Sabito, Yushiro and my twin brother Yuichiro went back to the cabin to rest after the whole drama happened,and Senjuro had to go since his brother Rengoku called for him to call for help since he was being chased by fan girls in the hall ways of the cabin.So then that just leaves me and my fragile assistant, Nezuko.I would have Nezuko's head on my lap waiting until she woke up,as more as time passed,the more I got even more worried,It has been only hours since she was knocked out.Then i started to hear a groan,I would glance below me to look at Nezuko who was waking up.

"Oh,your awake." I gave her a small calm smile,the sweet relief would warm my chest.  She would then get up and start to cough,I would look at her,she was coughing the last of water from when she was drowning.  The worry started to rose up again,making me look behind her with a worried expression across my face while she was coughing.

" Nezuko, are you okay?" I had a small worried tone in my voice,trying to not sound suspicious to the assistant.

"Yeah- I'm okay.." She responded after calming down with coughing.

"What..what happened?" She would have a confused expression since she realized where she was,her baby pink eyes would glance at me before asking me.

"At the beach? remember?" I teased.

"Yeah,I know that but how did I get here?! Wasn't I drowning earlier?" she pouted at me with a small tone of annoyance in her delicate voice.

"Oh right,that." I would look up at the sky with a blank expression across my face looking like I had no idea whats she was talking about.

"Well,I saved you,you apparently hit your head in a rock while the huge wave crashed on you." I added. The creme white haired ruby eyed girl would look at me with a concerned expression on her face.

"You...saved me?" She asked softly.

"Mmhm!~" I closed my eyes while I crossed my arms acting like a small child that is proud of them self with a smiling grin on my face.

"Hey,does your head hurt? Your head was bleeding a bit and we had to bandage it from blood loss." I stopped smiling and opened my eyes to look back at her. Nezuko nodded with a small rosy blush across her cheeks.

"That's good." I sighed in relief.

"Where are the others?" Nezuko would glance around,leaving her with no sign of her best friend Daki or the group that I was playing volleyball with.

"Oh, Daki got called by a teacher because they needed help with something and Makomo went with her to help them out, my brother Sabito and Yushiro went to the cabin,and Senjuro was called by his brother Rengoku to help him with something as w-" I stopped,looking at Nezuko's expression seeing her with a wierd expression across her face,and her pink eyes squinting down at the sand with her cheeks blushing more red than before.

"Hey,are you okay?" I looked at Nezuko a bit confused.

"It's just us.." she muttered softly,I couldn't really make out what she was saying.

"I'm sorry,I didn't catch that,could you please repeat that?" I asked. Nezuko would then approach me,leaning her face closer to me and giving me a peck on the cheek.I flinched,backing away and holding my cheek,I could feel my face burning of the embarrassment that would rose up inside me as soon as I moved backwards.I was shocked.

"E-Eh-" I stuttered a bit as I was confused.

"That...That was for saving me." Nezuko would blush even more while she tried to not stutter on her words.

"O-Oh would you look at the time? I have to go! haha- See you!" Nezuko laughed akwardly and then started running away as her silky hair would flow gently on the wind. I wanted to reach out to the fragile figure to stop and to stay,but hesitated. Silence would fill the air,there was nothing more to say.. I was confused,very confused,and stood there and thought..Until a question rose in my mind.
Do I like Nezuko?

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