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Meredith's POV:

Cormac just finished cooking everyone dinner, neither of us wanting to eat just yet. I help all five kids makes plates each slightly different.

Liam having a hot dog but never with ketchup, Ellis the same. Bailey and Austin she burgers Austin's overloaded with pickles, Bailey's with no pickles and the menu goes on.

Once everyone is settled I walk inside to the kitchen looking for my purse. Rummaging through it for my phone I find a box of pregnancy tests that I know for a fact we're under my sink upstairs but leave them in my bag brushing it off. Even though I don't remember putting them in my bag anyone if the kids could have, I could have grabbed them by accident.

My phone goes off which is exactly what I was looking for. Pulling it from my bag I look to see a text from Cormac.

Come swim with me

Sighing I smile typing my response. I really don't want to because my bathing suit is a little showy. The bottoms are cheeky, the tops is just some triangles with string.

I wore it because it matches the Fourth of July theme we have going on but i never planned to swim.

Baby... not today. I reply quickly. See all the kids walk in trying to put the tv on I walk over helping them to start Parent Trap.

Realizing my test says seen I opt to just go outside and talk to him face to face.

When I get out there everyone has music on "from the ground up" by Dan and Shay blares through the speakers as I walk to the dock. The very dock my kid was pushed off of.

Cormac instantly catches my eye, messing around in the water, I watch from where I now sit, my feet dangling into the water that is surprising warmer than I thought it would be.

Cormac's POV:

Meredith is fucking beautiful. Glowing really, the color of her bathing suit is perfect against her skin, her hair is long and down. Her toes just below the surface of the water match her bathing suit perfectly.

Swimming till I'm close enough I wrap my hands around her ankles. She turns from looking at the house deck to me. Meredith's big green irises locking with mine as my hands move up and down her legs.

"Hi." Meredith smiles down at me.

Smirking "hi baby." I reply. At this point messaging her lower legs, not at all trying to move up right now.

"Where're the kids?" I question inching up so I stand between her legs, push them lightly so they wrap around me. My hand finds Meredith's hips wetting the sides of her pants a little. I can feel the ties of her bikini under my finger tips, I just can't hold back from playing with them a little.

"Mmm inside watching Parent Trap." Meredith replies, her manicured nails softly scratching the back of my head.

"You're favorite." I whisper. Our whole conversation right now feels very intimate, private too and to be honest I do not care because there is nothing more I need.

Just a few minutes with only Meredith to hold her, let her hold me, before I ask the biggest question I've asked in our relationship.

Parent trap is Meredith's favorite movie, but her other favorite is miracle on 34th street and I just hope I got the right thing.

A few minutes have passed, my head is now resting on her abdomen, my arms wrapped tightly around her, her hands rest on my head and back. Yet still I want her in the water.

I want to see her go under and come back up, to see the small little water droplets slip and slide down the valley of her breasts.

Keeping my chin on her making sure not to hurt her I look up, our eyes instantly find the others.

"No one is watching. Just slip in the water with me. Please." Do I sound desperate? Yes. Do I care? No. I just want to hold my girlfriend completely. Tilting her head to the side while looking down to me she nods slowly.

"I'll swim with you if you make sure no ones sees me."


I stand in the water, Meredith in front of me my arms wrapped around her. I don't know why but recently I've felt more compelled to touch her lower stomach, to brush my fingers against it as I walk past her or to even lay close to it. I find myself doing all of those things more now.

My fingers brush back and forth across her belly. Meredith's hand grasps my wrists. Her head rests against my shoulder as we watch everyone jumping into the water after seeing where we were.

"I love you" I whisper. To which Meredith makes a deep sound from the back of her throat, acknowledging type of moan.

"I'm tired." Meredith she replied after a while. Smiling I nod.

She's been more and more tired lately but I keep brushing it off thinking she is just working a a lot. Which she is. Working a lot. But I think something more may just be going on.

K so I've had a lot going on and I probably won't get time to sit and write for a couple more days... this is not the ending I wanted for this chapter and im sorry it's like this however I wanted to give you guys something. More coming I promise. What do u think is happening.

Didn't proofread.

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