Ch.1 - Artistic Night

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August 23rd, 1964

Cass was on her bed, shifting and tossing her head repeatedly because she couldn't sleep. With a frustrated sigh, she turned to look at her roommate- who also had difficulty sleeping.

"Hey Eden?- You awake?" She whispered, not knowing if her friend was awake or not, since it was really dark.

Eden turned to look at Cass, "Yo- I'm awake. What's up?" He asked.
"I can't sleep! And I'm bored!" Cass whined, sighing as she looked up at the clock. It was 2:41AM.
Yep, they both can't sleep at night. No matter how late it was.

"I am too but what am I supposed to do? Get the microphones out and do karaoke?" Eden asked.

"Well- yes? You could actually. It was pretty fun last time." Cass said cheekily, getting out of her bed.

"Can't bro- wish we could, really. But last time our fun was stopped by one of those damn caretakers because we were too loud! Remember?" Eden stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Ah.. I remember that.. It was fun, before we were stopped." She joked, remembering what happened that night.


"He said one dayy.. Life won't be too hard! He said one dayy- wait what do you say next?-" Cass questioned.

"Ack- sorry Eden!" She apologised on instinct repulsively.

"Don't worry about it n' sorry for shouting- how about we sing together?" He asked
"Yeahh!! That would be fun!" Cass replied
And thus, they sang together.

"Sometimes, you make me want to cry!" Eden sang loudly into his mic, forgetting the speakers were on.
"I just cannot describe.. My hated for youu!" Cass continues,

"You my dear, you make me want to curl up and die!" They then sang together.
"I wanna cry.. I wanna end myself! To the point where I cannot be saved!"

"Only for you my- AH-" The two jumped back in fright as they heard noise.
"Oh i's just someone knocking of the door- wait who would knock at our at this hour?"

Cass opens the door.
Big mistake.

It was a caretaker who works at the orphanage where Cass and Eden live.

"What are you children doing up this late? Are you trying to keep everyone up!?" The caretaker said angrily.

"Sorry Miss.Kim-"  Eden started.
"If I hear another peep out of you both, I'll have you both separated and moved into different rooms!"

They both paled at that- they didn't want to be separated.

"Y-yes Miss.Kim! We're sorry." Cass said nervously,
"Yes miss, we understand. We won't do it again." Eden exclaims, also nervously but not really showing.

"Good." And with that, the caretaker left. Leaving Eden and Cass to sulk.

flashback over

"She really was a party pooper. I just wanted to karaoke!" She sighed.

Eden sighed too, but in frustration. "Let's do something.. quieter?"
"Yayy! But what?" Cass smiled happily,
"Let's uhh- draw each other?" Eden suggested, pulling out paper and a pencil from his bedside drawer.

"Okk!" She says brightly, whilst getting her sketchbook out.
They draw for awhile before looking up at the clock.
It was 3:10AM now.

They both hold up their drawings so the other could see-

They stared at each other's drawings before bursting into laughter.

"What did you do to my nose-"
"Sheeshh my eyes look hawt-"
"Man.. my eyelashes look longer than your nose."
"Do I even have a mouth-"

They sprawled onto their beds, still recovering from their fits of laughter.
So much for being quiet-

"Let's draw what's on our minds?"


Cass drew a knife. On a wall.
Eden also drew a knife, but on someone's wrist.

"Damn, guess we feeling depressed today." Eden said

"Aren't we always?" Cass questioned.
"You have a point." They both continued to draw weird images and laugh for the rest of the night- well almost the rest of the night. Cass ended up falling asleep and Eden just sat their and did nothing after Cass went.

Long story short, Eden and Cassiopeia (Cass) are 2 depressed teenagers in and orphanage and couldn't sleep so they drew.
Amazing right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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