Dreams Don't Come True

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Ravi yawned so wide that his eyes watered and his view of the campers running back and forth across the soccer field blurred. He briefly wiped at his eyes before refocusing on the game. He had decided to sit out the Grizzly versus Badger competition and opted for a lonely picnic table under a large pine tree on the edge of the field that had plenty of shade from the summer sun. Jorge hadn't been too happy about him sitting this game out, but Xander had understood. His co-counselor had witnessed him dozing off during breakfast that morning, which was unusual for someone who prided himself on being a morning person.

Some of the players cheered when a goal was made and the sudden outburst caused Ravi to jump slightly. He exhaled loudly. If it had not been for the recurring nightmare of the Kikiwaka beast returning to camp to hunt down him and his best friend, Tiffany, he wouldn't be so tired and jumpy.

"Hey, Ravi!"

Ravi jumped again. He blinked and shifted his focus to the person skipping up to him from the path on his left that led to the hiking trails in the pine forest. Lou stepped up on the bench and sat down beside him on top of the picnic table. Her signature cheery smile was ever present as she nudged his shoulder with her own, good-naturedly.

"Hi, Lou," he replied tiredly, crossing his feet at the ankle and stretching his arms a little.

Lou studied his tired posture. Her smile faltered, but only a little. She nudged his shoulder again and asked, "What's the matter? Griff keep you up all night with those scary stories 'bout that biker gang?"

"No. But he does say they were the closest to family he had before coming to camp. Though, I am not sure why you would give a child access to tattooing instruments at such an early age."

"Especially when he ain't that great of an artist. I think Zuri's helping him draw better, though."

"Just what we need: Those two starting an underground tattoo parlor at their summer camp," Ravi said between yawns.

Lou chuckled. She watched his shoulders slump after he stretched again. "Hey, seriously. What's going on, Ravi? You look like... well, you've looked better."

Normally, Ravi was an open book. His siblings had oftentimes labeled him an oversharer. But being exhausted because of a childish nightmare was embarrassing to admit when he considered himself a pretty logical person. Plus, he did not want Lou to think less of him as if he were a scared CIT instead of a mature counselor. He looked away from Lou, but he felt her gaze on him.

"It will sound ridiculous..."

"Probably. You're a pretty weird guy."

Ravi scoffed, "Are you here to offer criticism or comfort?"

Lou shrugged and gave him a sweet look. "Honestly, it depends. I've known you for a long time, Ravi."

He gave her a light glare to which she continued to wait patiently for him to speak. He gave up and sighed. "Alright. If you insist on knowing...I keep having the same horrible nightmare each night. It has ruined my sleep. And, well, part of me is worried that..."

He was too embarrassed to finish his sentence. Nervously, he folded his hands in his lap and looked straight ahead to the soccer field in the distance. He uncrossed his ankles and then crossed them back again.

Lou nodded slowly. She scooted closer to him and then gently placed her hand on his back, which caused him to tense beneath her touch. She calmly said, "I get it."

Wordlessly, he turned his head and made eye contact.

"Part of you is worried that your nightmare will come true." She gave him an understanding smile. "I'm tellin' ya. I get it."

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