Chapter 12 : Nirvana

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"Mommy! Dante won't tell me that I'm cute!." A small voice squealed, standing on her tiptoes, a small girl in a pastel pink dress stood next to a woman working ata kitchen stove slicing carrots and potato's.
"Mia.your adorable. Dante dear~ it's your turn to tell how cute your sister is." A woman's voice hum as he smile towards the dark hair boy that stood in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.
"She's been asking every day now. She isn't going to change that quickly." The boy muttered as he groan as he watched as his sister turn her head and began to make a pouty face. "Then say I'm cute!."
"Your cute."
"Yippie~ Dante says I'm cute which means I'm cute~." the girl sings as she prance around the small kitchen around the old wooden dinning room table. The woman giggled as she glanced over at the little girl as she smiled widely while dancing around a white stuffed rabbit that sat on the wooden floor. "Such a bothersome."
"Now don't say that Dante." The woman spoke as the boy walk up towards the woman and placed his arms on the counter and placed his head on his arms while watching her cook dinner.
"Yah yah..but you both already now that I love you I can say it." The boy mutter as he glanced away from the woman as she giggle again ruffling his short black hair.
"When have you grown up to be such and adult Dante." The woman hummed as she smiled down at him.
"Mom~." Dante whined as he hide his face in his arms as the younger girl from before ran up hoping up and down wrapping her small thin arms around Dante's waist. "He said since daddy never home. He'll grow up and protect us mommy~."
"Oh..really now." The woman spoke with a unease's expression before smiling once again. She kneeled down in front of the two kids and ruffled both of there hair.
"I love you two so much."

The woman wrapped her arms around the two kids and pulled them closer to her chest as she gave them a tight hug. It only last a few seconds before she pulled away and got back to working on the stove. Dante left the room as his sister stayed next to there mother as they beggar talking about a certain man that Dante wasn't so fond of. Passing by the room that his mother shared with his father. The door was crack open. Glancing over his shoulder Dante look back and nudged the door open with his foot and poke his head in it. It was pitch black inside as Dante reach his hand up and flipped the switch on as he walk inside. He had his hands in his hoodie pocket as he look around. Each time his father did come home. He would always have a backpack with him. It caught the curiosity of the boy and he had finally decided to see what the man was bringing home. Scanning the room. Dante caught a glimpse of something shinning out of one of his fathers pants pockets that was tossed on a wooden rocking chair that sat in the corner of the room.

He walked over listing to the creaking sound of the wooden planks as he pulled his hand out of his pocket and reach out towards the shiny object. Slowly pulling it out of the pocket, he held the object in his hand as he stared at it.
"A..pocket watch.." He ran his thumb over top of the front before looking around as he slowly placed it in his hoodie pocket. His eyes caught something else as he look to the side as he was turning away. He reach his hand deeper into the pants pocket and heard a jingle noise as he pulled a few things out from inside. He move them around on the palm of his hand as a tiny grin appear on his face. A few fancy rings with shiny gemstones imbedded in them. Dante closed his hand up and shoved it down deep in his pants pocket as he left the room. "Dante! Dinner is ready~." a small voice yelled as the thumping sound of a persons feet grew louder and louder as the ran up to Dante.
"I'll be there in a second Mia."
"Okay~." the girl chimed as she ran back into the kitchen area towards the wooden dinning table. Dante glanced down at his hand as he slowly pulled out the pocket watch and examined it before shoving it back into his pocket. "He won't mind if I keep it. There's plenty of stuff here anyways." Dante mumbled as he began to head into the kitchen and sat down at the dinner table where Mia and his mother were already eating.
" dad going to come back any time soon?." Dante suddenly asked. His mother slowly placed her fork down on the plate and look up at him as she had a small smile on her lips, however her eyes were sadden as she spoke quietly.
"No..I don't think never ask about him any other time..why do you ask?."
"Nothing really..just forget that I ask.."
"No sad faces! Let's eat!." Mia yelled cheerfully which slowly brouhaha smiles back on everyone's faces as they slowly went back to eating.
"We're perfectly fine with just the three of us anyways Dante!." Mia suddenly spoked which caused a small laugh to leave the boys mouth.
"Yah..I know..Sorry."
"Don't start arguing you two..your a busy man.."
"Let's just put that topic to the side mom..let's eat before the food gets cold." Dante spoked as he smiled at his mother.

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