1. burns

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"You're going on a mission tomorrow."

Lilith can't help but clasp her hands together, beaming with pride. I can tell that she tried her best to appear professional, but she always falters and reverts to a proud mentor when she's with me.

It's just the way that she is:

A huge softie hiding under the intimidating title of the leader of the emperor's coven. I can't help but love her for it.

I stand in front of the desk of her study, hood down and holding my scout mask. It's the first time in many hours I was able to take the mask off and I revel in the feeling of my face unobstructed.

Lilith doesn't mind. This isn't exactly an official meeting, so she lets me get away with informalities.

"A mission? Can you tell me what it's about?"

I can't hide the excitement in my voice at the prospect of a mission. Since I joined the emperor's coven I haven't been out much.

I was stationed inside the castle, as most of my duties consisted of guarding the archives with whomever I was partnered with that day, and making rounds around the castle.

It was boring and uneventful.

A mission would sure be a nice change of pace.

"You'll be briefed tomorrow." Lilith says. I know her well enough to stay silent until she divulges the rest of the information to me. She can't help but talk when she's excited. "The emperor wants you- well your team , to retrieve an ancient artefact. I believe it's a flaming sword of some kind?"

I hummed, my interest piqued. I considered asking more about the flaming sword but knew her well enough to gather that she still has more to say about the mission itself, but was waiting for me to ask more questions.

Lilith looked from the empty chair in front of her to me and cast a meaningful glance. I promptly sat down, displeased at how I'd grown tall enough that I wasn't able to dangle my feet off the ground as I used to when I was a child.

I've been in Lilith's study enough times growing up that the sight of it is comforting and familiar in a way that few things in my life are. We first met when I was around ten when she made a visit to my school and was impressed by my magical abilities.

My parents were so enchanted by the idea of their child being a prodigy that they didn't think twice before accepting Lilith as my mentor.

We have been working together ever since, and I can't help but look up to her.

"Will you be the one leading it?"

Lilith smiled, sadly, and shook her head no. I imagined it was the case, but it didn't hurt to ask.

"I'll capture Edalyn tomorrow."

Part of me doubted that it would be the case, but I admired her persistence at least.

"Kikimora, then?"

I ask, and can't completely hide my displeasure at the idea. Lilith doesn't chastise me for it, though it's clear she noticed.

She dislikes Kikimora as much as I do.

My mentor looks at me in a funny way and leans forward towards me, rests her chin on her linked fingers. She's interested in my reaction.

"The golden guard."

I hum in acknowledgement. It must be a pretty important mission to get him involved. He usually takes orders from the emperor himself.

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