1 Meeting the band

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outsider POV
it was approximatevely 1 am when a ringing was heard in the quiet room, a phone was vibrating softly on the nightstand,a hand hastily tried to shut off the alarm without success making the women sat on the bed to grab her phone and shut the alarm,she had messy (h/c) hair and half closed (e/c) she got up and starting to dress up for work,yes it was late but her shift at the pub had been change to the Night Shift,she didn't mind tho,she always preferred the night anyway,after throwing on a black jeans a white shirt and grabbing her jacket which was lazily hung on a chair she headed outside and locked her door"I should probably grab a coffee before going...I'm half awake.."she grabbed her earbuds and started listening to her favourite band,gorillaz,she always loved they're song and  loved all the band members...except Murdoc maybe who was a massive dickhead.After getting a coffee from a cafe she headed quickly to work
(Y/n) pov
I walked in the pub greeting some familiar faces before going to the back and putting on an black apron with a pin with my name written on it.I started doing my job when a regular came in "hello (y/n)!
-Jack!i turned to him while cleaning a glass,always on time I see, you didn't bring your wife with you ?
-Nah,she went to a concert,a band named gorillaz I think,I froze what??gorillaz in town!?i missed that??how?!
-are you serious jack? Please tell me the concert is in a neighbours town and not this one please !",i couldn't have missed !that I'm always on they're social media tracking to see when they are coming to town!"woah woah woah easy cowboy,it's just a concert,plus, yes,the concert in the town a couple miles from here
-Jesus Christ! I though I missed that,phew...do you know when they are coming in town?"i asked turning to start making his usual
"yea my wife couldn't stop talking about it,after the concert they are coming to settle here ,they are going to stay in town for a week or so before the actual concert »I placed  the glass in front of him "man I hope I can place a week off to go see the concert"jack took a sip of his drink and listened to you "don't worry,your a hard working kid,your boss knows that he'll give you a week off
-thanks jack"jack has been a usual costumer from the first day I started working here,he's like 6 or 7 years older than me and has always been kind to me and at the end of my shift I always walk him to his car,or if he was drunk to the bus stop and kept his car key,he always said I was his guardian angel,which i founded quite funny.A few hours passed,it was now 3am,the bar was mostly full with drunk people and jack.Then I heard a loud engin getting closer to the pub before stopping in front of it new customer? At this hour?i wiped my hand on my apron and got ready for the new customer"c'mon faceache im thirsty!"a heavy British familiar accent spoke before a female voice spoke in a Japanese accent "yea cmon Boys the pub are closing in 3 hours!" I look out of the window to hopefully see who was talking but only saw a red 1961 Cadillac convertible,what i heard next made my blood run cold,a very thick and recognizable cockney accent spoke "Awrite awrite am comin' am comin'"the hell was that?it sounded lik-Before I could gather my thought the bar of the pub was swung open,a man who looked like a pickle with a blue stripped shirt and grey jeans lead the way he was followed by a large black man wearing a red beanie and yellow shirt with "it's not rael" written on it,then a women with black hair ,blue fluffy jacket a black skirt green and pink glasses was close behind him and finally ,a tall man with blue hair,high waisted jeans,black shirt which had a few button open and most importantly, no eyeballs,or it appeared so,it was actually a 8 ball fracture wich made his eyes appeared black.he closed the bar door,way more delicately than it was open I couldn't believe my eyes,the gorillaz were in my pub

he closed the bar door,way more delicately than it was open I couldn't believe my eyes,the gorillaz were in my pub

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I can't believe it!! I'm gonna pass out...cmon!i need to be professional!I mentally slap myself and straightened my posture before the group approached me and the green man known as murdoc sat at the bar next to jack and rested his head on the palm of his hand "ello girlie"he said in a flirt voice before winked at me, making me cringe.I could see jack giving him a death stare and as he was about to talk the large man spoke before him"Murdoc you better stop right now before I drag your ass back in the car"the large black man turned to me with an apologetic smile "excuse this swine for his behaviour
-it's ok but thank you"I was really tense up and standing up strap that noodle approched and plopped down on one of the empty seat"You look tense,are you okay?
-yea I'm huh..
-did he make you uncomfortable ?" she asked worriedly
"What?No no!well...it's just...I'm a really big fan and this is kind of awkward for me " I shyly scratched the back of my head,2D spoke for the first time since he entered the pub" is awrite , jus' trea' us like any normal costumer"he gave a warm smile putting me at ease " well,unless you have a VIP option were we get extra booze"Murdoc said,i chuckled "unfortunatlely no, we dont have that here
-ha bollocks"they started ordering drinks murdoc ordered a Vodka Umbungo wich was his favourite drink, i quickly started to make it,i grabbed a passion fruit,cut it in half and put the flesh into a shaker than did all the mixing,with and extra shot it in because well...it's murdoc.I handed him his drink which was just as a outing as him to make. Russel ordered a simple whisky so it was pretty quick, noodle just ordered regular juice and 2D didn't order anything after they all had they're drink,2D sat at the bar while murdoc was flirting with some drunk girls and russle and noodle where sat at table laughing together.I didnt know how to act,I mean,one of the singers I loved the most was sitting in front of me, he started fidgeting and moving around his seat,clearly uncomfortable of the silence i got closer to him to speak"can i get you anything?
-ho no no i don't drink anymore
-i mean i can make you a non alcoholic drink if you want
-No its awrite, fanks" he smiled at me,there was an awkward silence between us for a few minute before he broke the silence asking a question "so...yewr a big fan ay? Wat are yewr favourite songs then?
-well,i really like 'tommorow comes today' , 'Melancholy hill' and 'o Green World'
-ho really? 'Melancholy hill' is one of my fav too
-why is that ?
-I use to sing it to noodle when she was lil"he looked back to noodle still laughing with russle "like '12d3',they where 'er favourite...so they became my favourite too"he smiled softly "she's grown so much"he looked at her like a brother would and honestly,it made my heart melt "So huh...'ow long 'ave you bin workin 'ere?
-couple years now
-wat where yew doin' before that?"he put his elbow on the bar and rested his chin on his hand "i used to draw
-why d'yew stop?" I leaned against the bar"well...i don't take criticism too well and how to phrase this...the guy i used to work for was an asshole and was never satisfied and I was basically never payed
-what a knob" i heard him mutter under his breath "then i used to be a barista at a strip club,got tired of the shitty costumer ,found a little pub and started working here,been the barista of this establishment for almost 3 years"i said with pride "good for yew "he said smiling. After two hours murdoc was completely wasted so russel took him home before he did anything illegal,noodle was bored so she followed them leaving me and the blue headed singer alone,it was 5am by the time i was alone in the bar with 2D,jack also went home towards 4am.I started to close the bar up still talking to him,he was a super cool and chill guy,I close the bar door and put the keys in my bag telling him a time a customer got thrown out of the bar before walking down the street 2D next to me listening to me talk and laughing along "yewr a funny one"I smiled "thanks" if you told me a few hours ago I would have meet my favourite band and talked to my favourite band member I would have laughed in your face.But here I am,walking down the street at night with 2D next to me.He then started to hum softly to himslef '19-2000' and even tho i heard the song before,hearing him singing it next to me felt different that if it was just on Spotify "hey can i ask you something?
-sure go ahead
-why does noodle said get the cool shoeshine in this music" he laughed "well it's stupid,she just saw an ad on tv for shoeshine and she thought it sounded nice so she asked to put it in the song,she didn't speak a lot of English back then
-ho really?"i laughed when I heard the reason why noodle sang those strange lyrics,I calmed my laughter down and stopped in front of my house "well,that's my stop
-wait before we go our separate ways,gimme yewr phone
-hum ok?"i took out my phone from my bag,he typed his number into my contact and made his contact name "2D" with a zombie emoji before handing me back my phone "there ya go "he smiled"we could spend more time together before we ge' back on tour,yewr really cool
-that...that would be great" I opened my door and smiled at him "goodnight 2D
-you can call me Stuart,or stu »I chuckled as he stood there fidgeting With his hand "ok,goodnight stu
-goodnight (y/n)"i close the door and got ready for bed expecting to wake up from this dream,but I didn't,i lied down and fell asleep smiling like an idiot

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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