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it was like a thousand needles were stabbing at my abdomen

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it was like a thousand needles were stabbing at my abdomen. this pain seemed to grow each few minutes. each cramp more painful than the last. someone impregnate me at this point.
usually when i would cramp i would have my herbs but since i haven't talked to choso in two months i've ran out.


this would be the only circumstance i would talk him under. "ughhh what the fuck. i didn't ask to bleed out damn." frustration and period cramps didn't make a good combination. so if you're wondering why i'm currently in Petals and Thorns, mother nature would be responsible for this.
laid out i reach for my phone. surely there was another option that didn't include me reaching out to choso. i mean he's not the only plug i know.

i text 2 other options but they were already busy. i honestly feel like these plugs not taking they jobs serious like do you want this money or not🙄.
of fucking course. im just doomed with bad luck. i mean im on my period and i have to talk to choso. i get it the demon lord totally hates me.
well there was no use in suffering all day might as well give it a shot. im gonna need emotional support from none other than megumi though.

it took three rings for him to answer. "aww im loved you usually pick up 5th ring." i say cheesily. "uhh whatever, what you need?" i could hear his exhaustion in his voice which made me feel bad for calling him.
"im about to text choso. i need herbs or else im gonna die." there was silence for a moment until "are you sure you need to? i really don't think he deserves to even hear from you." there it was. you could hear his slight crush leaking through his sentence.

"you're right but it's urgent. im nervous as fuck but i gotta do what i gotta do. love you talk to ya later." before he could say love you too i hung up. i inhale a big breath and release as i unblock choso's contact. i got this.

Hey, I need some raspberry leaf and chamomile. When and where?

It wasn't that bad i mean he hasn't replied yet but its just been like a minute. Not like he was waiting for me to reach out or anything.

Hey there. Petals and Thorns, in 20.

Well, I stand corrected.


Petals and Thorns was not new to me. I've heard about the shop but never actually been. many reviews deem it the best tattoo/piercing shop in the whole area. Choso has been trying to get hired there for as long as we were together. Guess he accomplished his dream huh.

it wasn't too far about 10 minutes away which left me with 10 minutes to spare waiting on Choso. the sign glowed bright in the dark sky acknowledging this was indeed Petals and Roses. It was more modern than I expected but that didn't reduce its high quality.
the receptionist was an adorable boy that looked around megumis age. his scruffy bright pink hair and several facial piercings suited him well. steve lacy's N side graced my ears, as i stood there taking in the place. may pay this place again.

"Hello welcome to Petals and Thorns do you have an appointment? If so just check in with your name and phone number." ok fancy. "Yes I am here for Choso Kamo." the boy verifies my appointment after I finish filling in my information and guided me to Choso's work booth. "he says you can sit and make yourself comfortable. he went to grab something but he'll be back."

there were some photos of him and his little brother. he's probably the only thing i miss about our relationship. his bubbly brother that always made me laugh at his choso jokes.
even some pictures of his work framed the wall. it was actually nice but i would never admit it to him. "he misses you." the voice i wished to never hear after our breakup announced.

i react startled to the unexpected sound of his voice. "fuck." he just laughs but of course i find nothing funny. my face remains stoic or some would say a resting bitch face.
do you have it?" i push back the thought that he reminded me of. spending time with eso kept me grounded through the duration of me and Choso's impactful relationship. sounds silly but eso really did help you get through the darkness his older brother caused.

"yea, had to go get it from my car." choso isn't your average dealer per se. not only does he specialize is selling cannabis but he dabbles in herbs, infused foods, hell the mf even has a special menu.

"raspberry leaf and chamomile right?" he assures as he hands me out the two herbs i need. i nod and reach to give him the money but i'm interrupted by him. "uhh uhh, on the house." he tsks.

"oh goody, i get the best ex special." i reply dryly and honestly ready for this encounter to be over with. another laugh falls from his lips and i grab my bag, ready to head out.

just as i step away from his area his arm holds me back. "don't leave, i'll miss you."


many buried emotions arise from that one sentence. the tone of hurt and want in his voice leave me frozen in my spot. no, don't. i bite tmy lip in hopes of regaining my pride. before i could even reply a man knocks. 

saved by da knock.

"it's getou, i need some razors." i wasn't sure who this getou guy was but he saved me from succumbing back into the arms of choso. "that's fine, come in." i could hear the disappointment in chosos voice. thanks getou.

an arm decorated with tattoos caught my eyes before anything else. the brooding figure of getou aligned in my vision and what a blessing it was.
he is the one.
long black locs tied in a loose bun, skin pale as the moon, with arms that not even steel could compete with. getou caught my eye. he let out an excuse me as he slightly brushed pass me to retrieve the razors from choso but i stood frozen in my spot all over again.

"excuse me sir." i say as he made his way to exit. i couldn't let him slip through my fingers. he's what i've been needing.
his body turns to face me and time seemed to stop. his eyes focus on me. his strong gaze makes me stumble on my already nervous request but it was now or never. "may i photograph you?" i inquiry with strong hope in his answer.

choso doesn't say anything but his glare made up for his lack of words. i could feel his resentful eyes stare down me and getou which honestly brought a smile to my face.
"sure, stay back a minute and i'll give you my contact info."

i release a breath i didn't even know i was holding. i don't know what he would if he declined my offer. "thanks choso." he bids before heading to his space.

thank the universe for getou.

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