Some mystery

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Samira sat in an abandoned farmhouse, their safe spot. They were sat in an old bedroom, they remembered how nice this place was when it wasn't abandoned, when it was full of life. They remembered when the house had just them and their mother. They laid down on the bed, staring at the roof
"You're sloppy at this" a man said, watching them at the foot of their bed, they turned to look at the figure
"Fuck the great ones... It's the first attempt give me a damn minute to get better" they scoffed, rolling over. Another voice was heard, from the broken roof, into the attic, a sly, cattish mans voice spoke. talking slyly, as expected from him
"Samira... Samira... Samira... You're our best killer, if you can't do this you'd be a fucking useless killer. Seriously..." he scoffed
Samira sat up, throwing a rock at the man who made the remark, before making their own
"You think you're a high and mighty, im strong, but not as strong as Solace! If you think you're smart do it your-fucking-self! Your ego is astronomically high because you're the only one of us not weak too Christianity, and weaker to a less popular and less known religion, you're still made out of bones and flesh like the rest of us, Helel!" She shouted, and a woman, with an Italian accent, spoke up
"Do you two want to shut the fuck up? We shouldn't cast too much suspicion on Samira, lets take a few days break"
"Monday has a point, if we get caught again we will be done for"

Elena sat outside. Their daughter still hasn't come home, and night was closing in rapidly. She tried calling her multiple times, yet there was nothing, she found her daughters phone on her night stand. Maybe she should wait till morning, hopefully she will turn up, Kat wasn't any stranger as to showing up past curfew, even though Elena hated it, however it was raining. Both Kat and Caitlyn despised the rain. Caitlyn was in her room, since she barely left her room, yet Kat was nowhere to be seen. The sun had set, and yet no sign of her
She took her phone out of her pocket, and rung the police
"My daughter hasn't returned home and she left this morning, she hasn't got her phone on her and i only know she went in the direction of the forest" she sad into the phone
After some time, the operator responded saying they'd look for her, and they asked for the daughters name, home address and description, which she gave without a second thought

Jace set out. The night was grim and cold, the dirt quickly turning into thick mud as the rain thickened, slowly evolving into a storm. However the team persevered, everyone knew the kid, and her mum was so worried. The team approached an old town, abandoned   years ago. Her mother said Caitlyn and Kat were obsessed with the unknown and macabre, even meaning as kids staying up to ridiculous times watching crime shows, or shows about multiple cryptids, its no wonder as why they're not afraid of much
The team spread out, checking each and every building. Taking to Father Samson Raiden revealed she doesn't like being far from an established site- abandoned or thriving, because she hates the thought of being alone.
Jace called out her name- and her nickname, any her mother could think of, him and his team called- Katie, Kat, mâţă, Babi, they tried it
Jace stepped into another building, looking through each and every room on the downstairs floor then going up to the second floor. He picke up a red jumper
"Wasn't red her favourite color? Is this hers?" He questioned, talking to himself. It was still dry, and didn't smell like rain, it was warm earlier, and colder in the morning. She had to be nearby. He spoke on the radio, reporting his findings
He know what Elena Eldritch must be feeling, on Saturday he overheard Kat saying it was just her, her sister Caitlyn, and their mother Elena. They're Romanian immigrants, and were very close to each other. Their only father figure being a priest, he views the girls as his own family, and it was certainly not easy on him. From what Jace has heard, Samson's childhood best friends daughter, Maya, went missing, and Samson spent days tracking her Down. Despite appearing as a man who doesn't care about others, with a cold face stare and a violent past full of crimes and selfishness, he is an incredibly empathetic man, who would do anything to keep the peace, even if that means carrying a long sword, Jace was pretty sure Samson and his niece were taking care of Elena and Caitlyn.
Jace found another thing belonging to Kat, which was a journal, he couldn't read any of it since it was in Romanian, but he recognised the drawings as things from the case, like the diagrams of the drawings from the autopsy report, and a sketch of the killer as described by the Police. One thing was in English however, the words 'I think the killer should be known as the phantom of Akron' but that was crossed out neatly and next to it was what could only be assumed as 'thats dumb'
He carried on, later finding her backpack underneath a corn silo. It wasn't filled with things a person who planned to runaway would have. It seemed like she wanted to eat lunch and read out here, meaning she could've gotten lost, however that raised more questions as Caitlyn said her and kat spent a lot of time here. The only thought as to why shes out here in a weather she despises s that shes possessed, but that couldn't be likely. Her family would've noticed if she was off. Maybe something happened and she couldn't get home, the one everyone was hoping for, however, was that she just fell asleep after exploring- that means hopefully she was safe or warm. The houses certainly have bed sheets. Without her jumper she would be freezing cold. He was just hoping she took cover. The rain fell harder, and the mud slowly became harder to walk. There was still more of the town to explore, then as he approached the bridge, he saw a small silhouette, laying there. He shined his light on the silhouette
Messy black hair, red skirt, white stockings, this is her. She was soaked in the rain, but she was on a sturdy wooden bridge, so she was semi safe. He approached the young girl, tapping her on the shoulder
She slowly opened her eyes, completely dazed
He spoke into the radio, alerting the others, then he picked her up, carrying her out. She was cold to the touch, and soaked to her bones, he could hear each and every shivering breath
"Why were you out here?"
"I don't know, i went here to eat my lunch, sketch and do whatever, and it all went black" she quietly, in between cold shivers

"Hello, Samson speaking, any news?" He spoke into the phone, the women sitting in the living room turned to him, hoping to hear they found her
"She's safe, they found her. She was somehow asleep on the bridge, no memory of how she got there, she's completely unharmed, except for being cold" Samson said to Elena, putting the phone down, and she jumped over the back of the chair, running to her best friend, jumping into his arms, hugging him so tightly he thought she was going to break a rib, she buried her face into his chest, before weeping tears of happiness "my mâţă Is Safe. My mâţă is safe! Samuel! She's safe!" She exclaimed
Even the normally lazy, and reserved daughter was happy, as she ran to her mother
"Kats safe! How'd she get there?"
"What do you mean, Caitlyn?" Samson asked, and she sat on the back of the settee, looking at the floor
"I saw her with some people in town. A young man, a girl of similar age, a guy in a dress, a cyborg, and a hooded masked figure"

"Would you like your glass refilling, my lady?" A man questioned the lady, and she nodded. Despite her high ranking, she was taught to be humble. Like the citizens, she came from nowhere, that made her likeable. People respected her, not for being royalty, but for her strength and ability to control an army
"One brutal killing on earth, its amazing how brutal it was, it's up your valley but nowhere near mine" the man, the king, stated to his daughter, which she took a sip of champagne. He was correct. It was brutal enough for someone like her to commit. She turned to the man
"It will become a serial killing, it's guaranteed. A killer who they can't catch is bound to kill again. How many times has that happened?" She stated, then heard a chuckle from the man
"Maybe that's a question to ask lady Curse, she's lived longer then me. In my years I've seen it, too many times. An endless cycle of killing on earth"

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