「 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 」

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one month later

time flew by pretty fast and the three were happy and moving on with their life. emily's dad went to rehab after she found him giving himself to drugs and alcohol. ever since then she has been staying at the girls house and meeting the pack slowly.

emily has already met their betas and gammas and let's say, they are amazing.

emily has graduated already and left school with the highest grade in the entire school and the highest average.

she didn't know what she wanted to do with her future yet. she has a year to decide if she wants to go to college — or a month and half left. emily has madison and danielle and they spoil her, give her anything and everything she wants so why would she work? they told her that she doesn't need to work. all she needs to do is sit and be pretty and they'll do everything.

as alphas they were rich rich rich. they get money from land, deals they make with other alphas and other illegal work.

"emily," tiara sang as she entered the room.

tiara was your average blond with blue eyes and perky breasts, round bum and long legs. her lips were pink and they were to die for. tiara was 23 years old, 5'8 and a warrior and madison's beta.

whenever tiara was around, emily would feel insecure because she's everything emily is not — her words.

"yes, tiara?" emily said and smiled at her.

tiara throw down a bag on the bed and motioned for emily open it. emily opened it and saw a curved knife on it with her name. she gasped and took it up.

"oh my god!" she gasped and looked at tiara. she held the blade with caution and tiara friend at her friend's reaction.

"thank you!" emily squealed and her eyes examined the knife.

it's blade was curved three times with a curved point. the handle was firm and made from soft wood painted in black. the knife was made by tiara. it was one of her specialities.

"you're welcome, darling." tiara said and bowed dramatically.

she loves emily. emily was like the little sister she never had. innocent — or so she thought — pretty, short and has a small voice, sounding like a baby.

emily put up the knife and patted the bed. tiara sat down and emily's wolf purred. they've bonded after emily found out who she was. emily asked her wolf why she was just arriving and her wolf's response was 'the moon goddess sent me here late'.

emily understood and left it at that.

"so what's up?" emily asks.

"oh, not much. just thinking of taking you out to this club tonight."

"me? do you want them to beat my ass?" emily pointed to herself.

"yes, you. and i'll make sure you don't get punished," tiara wiggled her eyebrows.

emily laughed.

"we'll see."

"you can't tell them tho!" tiara quickly rushed out, "it'll be me, you, jana and jeremy."

jeremy was danielle's beta and tiara's sister. like madison and danielle, she was intersex, therefore the boy name. jeremy has black hair and brown eyes. she was 5'6 and 20 years old. jeremy likes to stay in the back because she hates unwanted attention.

jana (yana) is a brunette with tons of unnecessary piercing. her eyes were green and her lips were heart - shaped. jana was tall, taller than jeremy and tiara — 6'. she was almost as tall as danielle and madison. jana was the beta of danielle.

"uhh i'll see what i can do." emily finalized making tiara grin.

"dress code is being slutty."


tiara mcnelson

jeremy mcnelson

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jeremy mcnelson

jeremy mcnelson

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jana blue

jana blue

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