Chapter 1: Isle of Dawn - A New Acquaintance

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Italics = Characters thoughts


Walking up some stone stairs, just a few feet away was the cave entrance. On the other side of the stairs was a sandy slope in which you happily slid down. A small smile painted on your face, "that was fun!" you thought.

After that, you began making our way into the cave. Heading up some large, uneven stone stairs like they had been formed that way after many years of use.

You walked into the cave, noticing 3 small candles sitting on what looks to be a small stone. You moved towards the candles, stopping in front of them.

"What do I do?" You wondered. Looking around, seeing if there was any indication of what to do, or even something to light the candles with.

That's when you heard a noise coming from behind you. It sounded like footsteps sifting through the sand. The soft ground moving beneath their feet as they moved towards you.

Eventually the noise ceased as they stopped only a few feet away from you. You turned to see a grey figure, no pronounced features or anything. You both stood their in silence for a few moments, when suddenly they pulled a candle out and walked towards you.

"Wha... How did they do that?" You thought, confused, "Where did that candle come from?."

Begining to feel panicked, you looked around franticlly not know what to do. The person stood there in front of you still holding the candle seeming slightly confused.

Eventually they let out a little giggle, seeming to understand you didn't know what to do.

After a few minutes, you eventually figured out how to bring out your own candle.

With that said, the other person brought out their candle again, putting their flame against yours. Having done that, you could now see their features, clothes, and face.

He wore a green cape with puffy looking pants that went down just past the knees. His hair styled into a mowhawk and he carried a horn looking instrument on his back.

Although you couldn't see his face behind the mask, you could tell he was smiling with how his eyes scrunched up as he looked at you.

He pulled a white candle that looked much larger than the red one you had. Getting down on one knee he presented it to you. It seemed like he wanted you to take it, not knowing why you were a little hesitant at first.

With that thought in mind, you cautiously took the candle, which faded into light. After that, you strangley felt a little closer to him.

He pulled out another white candle, repeating the process two more times.

You were slightly confused what he was doing and why, buy it didn't seem like he had bad intentions, so you didn't worry about it.

Eventually, he spoke.

"Hello, are you new here?" He said in a slightly boisterous voice. Still getting the feeling he was smiling behind his mask. His demeaner seemed friendly enough, so you responded.

"Hi... I guess I am? But I don't exactly know where or what here is...." You said.

He let out a hearty chuckle and reached out his hand to you. "I can show you around, personally I think having a guide makes things a lot easier," he said.

You pondered for a moment, hesitantly you grasped his hand as he then pulled you along to show you around.


566 words

AN- if you didn't know, there is a small circle of light that your skykid bears on their chest. When taking out your candle the light goes away. The light is basically your Sky Kids core, and when they take their candle out, they take it from their core.

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