The King and The Camaro

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Who the fuck eats crunchy peanut butter? Like honestly how can someone want to bite into a sandwich and just chomp down on a nut? Weird ass people.

I threw the Skippy peanut butter into the cart and moved to the check out to buy my monthly groceries. Hereby paid for by my lovely mom and pops who leave every other week to go on a business trip or a vacation from said business. Without me.

"Max would you shut the hell up, I swear to god. If you stop asking now I'll take you to the arcade tomorrow. Just shut up." What the hell? I turned around and my eyes landed on a short redhead girl and a tall, lean, man with a blonde mop of a mullet. Well he's not exactly a man, he seems to be around my age at least.

God how the hell does someone at this age have that many damn muscles? He's definitely on drugs.


I shook my head realizing I've probably been staring for too long and look back up to his face to make out anything that might help me figure out who he is. But all I find is an amused smirk and bright blue eyes staring me down.

My stomach dropped immediately and I turned back around to the boy bagging my groceries and told them thank you before pushing the cart out of the building. Jesus christ that was so embarrassing.

Almost reaching my car, my eyes stop on a bright blue camaro and I almost run into my BMW. "Shit, sorry babe." I opened the trunk and started putting the groceries in, ignoring the two pairs of footsteps finding their way to the car next to mine.

"You swear you'll take me to the arcade tomorrow?" A high and determined voice came from behind my back and I tried my best to not be nosy. Tried.

"For fucks sake Max! Yes! If you keep fucking asking I'll leave you at the damned school and you can just walk wherever you damn please!"

My body tensed at the familiar voice and I kept my back to them, closing the trunk and walking to put my cart back. For some fucking reason my legs felt like they were about to give out under me and I had to take a deep breath before turning around and hoping they had already got back in the car.

She did. However he didn't. And he was there leaning against the blue car staring at me instead. Lurk much? I tried looking anywhere but him and walked back to my car, only to be stopped by the same voice. "Hey!"

My body tensed again and I turned to him, "yeah man?" A smile played on his lips and I could see the outline of his tongue roll over his teeth. "You go to Hawkins?" I had to force myself not to roll my eyes at the question. Where the hell else would I go? They must've just have got here.

"Yeah, I'm a senior." That seemed to please his curiosity when he nodded and opened his car door. He didn't even look back at me when he spoke, "I'll see you tomorrow pretty boy."

I stood frozen in my spot as the blue camaro roared past me and the name stuck on me.

Pretty boy.

What the hell kinda name was that?

Jesus whatever man.

I threw myself into the car and drove back to the house, reluctant to put all of the shit I just bought away.

Funny- his eyes match his car almost perfectly. Christ this man already irritates the shit out of me. I can already tell he's full of himself and I already deal with enough of that on a daily. It's not like we'll hang out in the same crowd. I'll be with Nancy and he'll be with- whoever. Not that I care, I don't even know why I'm thinking about this.

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