Chapter 1: Summer

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The group rushed into Haven's room and took their usual seats that they had taken since the first time they hung out.

 Ace sits criss crossed on the bottom bunk of the bed, Oliver sits on the rocking chair on the ground, Alex layed on her stomach on the top bunk of the bed, and Haven sat in the gaming chair beside her desk. 

Everyone was so excited for the great summer that would be ahead of them. They sat and talked for 2 hours about their favorite memories from the school year. 

Alex hadn't said much as she was a year younger than them, but she was happy to tell them all the crazy shit that they most likely wouldn't have heard about. 

You run out of funny memories after so long, so the group got pretty bored when nobody else had anything to say.

Finally, Ace had stated about how boring the day had gotten. The group had absolutely no ideas for what to do which was weird considering they were always super adventurous and could always think of fun things to do. 

"What if we go check out that graveyard I always talk about?" Ace blurted out of nowhere. Oliver quickly protested this; he had always been the group's biggest chicken.

 "Hell no," he said in a heartbeat. Haven and Ace were set on the idea now and weren't going to let some scaredy cat ruin their plans. 

It was quite obvious Oliver had feelings for Haven and not to say she used him but it did help her sometimes. This was definitely about to be one of those times. 

"Quit being such a baby Oliver," Haven said, knowing full well this would get him to go. Nonetheless her plan worked, "Oh my god, fine I'll go." Oliver said. A wide smile grew on Haven's face as she jumped up from excitement. "YES!" she screamed. 

"Did you guys even ask Alex if she was okay with going? It doesn't seem like she's been paying attention to anything we've been talking about," Oliver asked, hoping Alex would protest against this idea.

"She's always fine with everything and you know that" Haven said, "but I'll still ask her anyway."

 Alex had her earbuds in listening to her favorite band Lovejoy when she suddenly heard her sister call her name. 

She took out one earbud and responded to her, "I was listening to Model Buses, what do you want?" Alex asked in a jokingly angry tone. "Good song, but are you up for going to the graveyard with us?" Haven asked knowing damn well her sister would be perfectly fine with it.

 "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Alex asked in a "wasn't that obvious?" tone. 

There were usually really awkward silences after interactions like that so Ace quickly spoke up, "Okay cool, now that that is settled let's go before it gets dark because I know Oliver is too much of a baby to go at night." she said in a playful tone. Oliver flipped her off and the group stood and walked out of the Harpers house. 


Word Count- 516

Sorry this is a short chapter, I promise they won't always be this short. The way I am setting up chapters is each chapter is what a scene is in the script so some will be shorter while others will be much longer. Since the script is 15 scenes expect AROUND 15 chapters, give or take a few. If you couldn't tell already Haven and Alex are sisters, I know it's mostly stated in the passage but I also know it's easy to skip little details like that. 

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