Part 4: Escape and Hospital

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Everything was shit, even with my friends. A wolf and a raven, my only friends. Though I guess it's expected I have none and devote myself to the necromancer as the creatures who's call themselves house elves do and the undead are forced to. I have been taught much and learned even more. They have started letting me out of the castle but only around to the forest. The undead are rampant their to watch me though their is also abundant wildlife and even magic. I have found much in the forest, from ruined structures that have plants both magic and regular coming out of them to even a huge beast frozen though not by anything while up on an alter of some sort with an identical right across from it with utters.

Their was a cliff face that had a stone bridge with huge stone statues guarding it that have holes for eyes that fire could sit inside with frozen ivy and green moss growing over everything. Their was also areas that could place defensive placements along with the gate being made of dark brown almost black wood intertwined with metal for the gate.

I also found a house that had a water mill attached to it that was ruined made out of mostly metal and wood with forest surrounding though it looked like it was a once thriving community. Their were ruins of fields and even a ruined training ground or at least it seemed like it. Their also was several windmills and watermills as well that were ruined all around. The forest looks like it has taken over anything and everything.

Then their was a small pond with a tree growing out of it and the springs being blocked off with wood that is intentional with the tree growing fruits even in the dead of winter and I saw it once, a fruit burst as it looked rotted on the inside even though the fruit was still golden liquid just came out and the fruit dropped and dissolved when the gold fell into the pond. Their are several small creeks that run off from the pond all dammed up. I also found the original pond were I was taken and the wolves have set up their base their. The pond also has a small creek that feeds to the tree pond as I have started calling it to differentiate between them that is not dammed up though the water looks frozen still.

The land is plentiful with animals and nature along with magic most everything as well. I even found berries that blue that looked like pure ice right up by the forest edge by the mountain along with regular red berries and even some fruit trees and tree nuts and stuff. I have been collecting them to supplement my food source along with hunting what I can even though I don't catch along hunting. The traps are a different story when I set them and I usually always catch a rabbit or squirrel or something.

Though their are times of famine that I can tell is when the decayed man is mad or somthing came up the forest get desolate and eerie. It lasted a while too when I was dealing with not eating Wolfey and Raven showed up and I could tell he was starving as well. I was in the forest and got my sword out of my tattoo and cut away chucks of my flesh and fed it to them. I did they every time I could to make sure they stay alive while having them drink my blood as well.

When the forest returned to semi normal they were eating good again and I got my first good meal in months from a rabbit and a wild yam that Wolfey help me excavate and that the elf cooked. It didn't have flavor and was still hard as all the creature did was wash it and gave back to me but I ate it, and it was filling, starchy and hard as I had bloody gums during the whole rest of the week while eating it. It did have a very bitter and sharp taste as an after taste but whatever I could eat I was happy with.

Their were other wonders of the land including a mineshaft that had short and stocky undead with weapons guarding it, some even with guns. I also found out the place I was housed at was a which was a ruined castle in the mountains. Their was areas that if fixed would have been an amazing fortress but it's all ruined. The only thing that is semi habitable is the dungeons and underground of it and it's not habitable for regular people, the cold should have killed me but my healing factor helped along with the pelts, furs, and fire the house elf did for me to live along with it scrounging up food from anywhere and everywhere it could to feed me.

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