Some Time Later...

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"What do you mean she's in a [beep]?! It took you [beep-beep] to figure that out after [beep beep-beep]?! Some [beep] you are! She's my [beep-beep] of my [beep] and you're just now telling us she's been in a [beep-beep] this whole time?!" A familiar voice says, sorta faintly. "[beep], calm down and watch the [beep-beep] like you always have been this whole time, okay?" Another familar voice says, riddled with worry and stress, more clear than the first voice. "Fine [beep], but only because they're showing more [beep-beep] activity. Wait, they're showing more [beep] activity! You! Go get the [beep-beep] in charge of [beep] and her care! Now!" The first voice, clearer than before, riddled with hope and worry. A few minutes later, I open my eyes to a dimly lit room, Zack to my left, holding my hand, smiling and the Captain to my right, stoic as always but I can tell she's elated I'm awake. "Don't lie to me, how long have I been out? I will get out of this freaking bed and punch you for everytime you insist on lying or not want to tell me." I say. "I see my 18 year old patient still has some fire in her." The head doctor says, walking into the room. I look over to the doctor in confusion. "I'm not 18 years old, I'm 16..." I start but pale as I realize how long I've been out. I look at Zack whom of which, won't meet my eyes. I look at the Captain who nods a bit. "It's been 2 years, 2 years since you fell into a coma and turned Zack into a mess of worry." The Captain says. "Not true mother!" Zack snaps, looking at the Captain. I sigh and put my hand on his, making him look back to me. "It's obvious you did. Snapping at the Captain like that proved it." I say and smile a bit. Zack sighs and nods a bit. "Okay fine yes, yes I did but me turning into 'a mess of worry' doesn't prove anything." Zack says and I give him a look, making him pale. "It does prove how much you care about me. Plus stop lying as if you can hide it from me. I studied psychology too, not just Earth's history!" I say and poke Zack in the nose. "I'm still surprised that she can spook you like that, Zack." The Captain says and Zack weakly smiles at her. "What can I say? She's observant as heck." Zack says. "That much is true. I hope to see you two later at dinner." The Captain says, smiling and leaves, leaving me in confusion. "Hmm? What did she mean by that? It's obvious she's implying something." I say, looking at Zack. "I don't wanna ruin the surprise for you so please don't give me another one of your looks." Zack says and I sigh. "Fine, but only because I like certain surprises." I say, sitting up. "Woah woah woah woah, hey, lay back down you just woke up a few minutes ago! You risk brain damage from just simply standing up!" Zack says, trying to lay me back down. I give him a look, making him back off and I walk into an adjoining bathroom, carrying a bag that was left beside it. I emerge moments later wearing a red t-shirt, blue jeans,  black shoes, and a black fade up to teal hoodie (with pockets, of course), hair put into a messy bun. "Can we get going now before I get stir-crazy?" I sarcastically ask him while walking out of the room, Zack following.

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