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At least that's how I imagined this night going, a quick descent and some peaceful last moments. Unfortunately, that's far from what happened.

Instead, an annoying presence snapped me out of my trance with a loud cough.


My eyes snap open at the sudden noise and I Whipp round to find its origin. A man. He stands there a few meters behind leaning against the rooftops metal door. gazing at me with mild interest. I waste no time going back to ignoring his existence by facing the street below.

''Are you just going to pretend I'm not here?'' the strange man questions. I ignore him once again. Hoping, wishing he'll turn around and just leave. I don't think I could stand to hear the cracks in my voice if i provided him with a response, the hollowness of it, the emptiness.

I've never found myself enjoying the company of people especially if I'm in a vulnerable situation. People seeing me hurt or upset normally makes me nauseous and weak but this strange man doesn't bring out that reaction. We sit in, what I would call, an ironically comfortable silence with it most likely being him deciding what to do in this predicament. It's not every day you run across a sad girl on a rooftop ready to end it all with just one step. He begins to move towards me in a progressively increasing speed.

''Come any closer and ill jump! I'm not joking.'' I'm afraid he'll try to coax me out of it and I'm certain I don't want that to happen.

By the sounds of it, he stops abruptly at my words but I realise that's not true when I hear him climbing over the small rail that currently separates life from death. He joins my side and I gape at him in shock.

''What the bloody hell are you doing, you could fall!''

''I could say the same thing to you. How about we both get down now, then nobody has to fall?'' He stares at me waiting for a response maybe even an agreement, but I instead ask him why he's here. From my knowledge, this building isn't a particularly special one. Then it dawns on me, I still picked it. Maybe he... No, he can't be he seems too confident exactly the opposite person who would come here to do something like that. How can someone that looks that perfect be so damaged?

'' The same reason as you.'' he corrects my assumptions coolly, little emotions on his face as if this were some casual conversations between two unbroken souls.

All worry for myself leaves me and I turn my focus to the man wishing the same thing i was moments ago. The same things I'm still wishing, I think.

''No, you can't. It's not...'' He laughs smoothly. A sweet chuckle, pretty, I think.

''Not what? Worth it?''

Sighing, he once again reaches his hand out asking me to return to the roof with him. Except this time, I accept. If only to make sure this man is okay and changes his mind. I can always come back later; I chant over and over in my head reassuring myself that I'm not backing out. Just waiting.

He steps down first pulling me towards him. I stumble but he's quick to catch me hugging my waist close before I have time to fall. I hear him sigh of relief and I wrap my hands around his neck brining him into a tight embrace. From this close I can practically hear the rhythm of his breathing and his scent circles around me. The Forrest. He smells like a Forrest mixed with something else I can't quite place. We stay there like that for a while until he pulls away and I notice the tears brimming his eyes. Its then that I become aware of how crappy I probably look tear-stained cheeks, puffy eyes and my very silly decision, that I'm definitely regretting, of wearing eyeliner. Great. Maybe it's not too noticeable

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''Its wayyy too noticeable'' I complain as I stare into my compact mirror.

After our little heartfelt hug, I suggested we go get coffee like any sane person would at 2 am. He escorted me to his car which turns out to be a pretty nice looking one. Why would someone with the money to get this want to do that?

He reaches into the glovebox and hands me some wipes whilst chuckling at my continuous complaints. I thank him before clearing off my ruined makeup

''You could easily be a serial killer you know? Promise you're not going to butcher me when I'm distracted.''

''Can't really promise anything.'' The stranger jokes, at least I hope he's joking. He reaches up to ruffle his hair and my eyes trail to it. It's a pretty jet black that looks like it'd be soft to touch. I return to looking at his face and find his eyes fixated on me, obviously noticing my staring. Amazing. How embarrassing.

I hastily turn the other way my hair thankfully covering my face to hide my blush, or embarrassment. I can practically sense his smirk. ''Where do you want to go."

My first response would automatically be the café but I realise that's the last place I want to be right now. ''I don't know anywhere is fine, I'd say Starbucks but its overpriced. I mean come on they act like they're serving liquid gold. I feel like a glass of water there would be my whole tuition.''

''Starbucks it is''

Wha- did he not hear my clear I'm bad shit broke implies? I look at him in confusion before he clarifies that he'll pay. He interrupts me before I can refuse. ''It's fine, think of it as the stranger on the roof just saved my life gift''

''More like you saved mine.'' even if I didn't want you too.

''Let's call it a mutual life saving then?'' His response causes me to smile, this is definitely not how I saw my night going. Being in the car of a stranger after trying to kill myself on our way to get coffee in disturbingly early hours. Yet part of me deep down is glad this stranger stopped me. The fact that he came to that building right before I-. I let out a whisper of a laugh my friends words, Amiyah, playing in my head. ''Its fate lil trust me."

We arrive at the nearest Starbucks ready to drink unnecessary amounts of sugar. A perfect way to spend my night. The man I met moments ago gets out of the car before I even unbuckled my seatbelt. He comes over to my side and opens the door for me, what a gentleman. His eyes travel across me as I get out. That deep emerald green that looks too perfect to be real Compliments the darkness of his hair. He smirks a small and knowingly allowing me to notice dimples sitting in the crook of his mouth. Pretty. We enter the unsurprisingly barren Starbucks with his hand hovering over my lower back, guiding me towards the counter as if I couldn't be trusted to do it alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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