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───In the kingdom of Liones, a castle lies in shambles. Large, manta-ray-like creatures circle the sky like hawks; ever watching in search of their prey. On the outskirt of Liones, the capital city lies in ruins. A lone soldier wanders the streets, in which the rubble tells a tale of destruction and death. Wielding only a sword and suit of unreliable armor, this sandy blonde-haired warrior would seem no match for what caused this tragedy; and he knows this. 

His eyes were wide, and panicked, hands shaking in fear, body trembling with anxiety. Taking slow, uncertain steps, he travels through the once lively streets, now only filled with houses damaged.

Clack, Clack, Clack...The sound of his footsteps upon the cobblestone fills him with uneasy dread. His breath is uneven, and he flinches when he hears the sound of another voice, "Hey! did you get a minute? Give me a hand here."

An older veteran soldier is beckoning him. It takes him a moment to realize, but once he does..."Yes, sir", he replies, not wasting a second to help his senior. He bounds over to the older man with as much grace as he can manage- which turns out to be much like a duck out of the water, with all the debris lying around.

"Where are you from?" the old man questions.

"Cains, sir." the younger man manages to choke out.

"Cains?" the old man scoffs, "I'm an old-timer who's served the kingdom for 40 years, and I've never heard of the place."

Above, a bird of prey calls out to its fellow hunters. A desolate chill runs down the pair's spines, but they shake it off.

"That's not surprising, Cains is way out in the boonies..." the blonde-hair knight sighs not proud of his heritage.

"If you're this flustered, you'll never be made a holy knight apprentice." the old man states

"No, I could never be a holy knight," the knight admits, growing paler by the second.

"This might be a tough job for someone like you." the old man points out.

The knight was confused by the old man's words and looks at his surroundings. Nothing too unusual, just the regular broken shambles of houses, brick, and mortar leaking onto the streets like blood. His eyes widen, and his pupils dilate "Are these.." the knight says, "Holy knights one and all."

In front of them lies a massacre. Bodies litter the entrance to the castle, blood still fresh and oozing from unclosed wounds. The young knight backs up, trembling. "Wh-what happened here?"

the sky darkens, as If in anticipation of the next words of the veteran soldier.

"What happened?' They were all butchered. In a blink of an eye, at that. By just seven people." t the old man's face is grim.


Then years later. near cains town you could hear two loud and heavy steps echoing through the green valleys as two mysterious people dragged their heavily armored feet as they looked for a destination.

One of the mysterious people tried her best to support the next one while managing their breathing thinking it was peaceful non of them were talking but the peaceful silence broke out by a man screaming.

Both of them turn towards the man making him tremble with fear one of the sisters who were in the heavy armor reached out a hand to the man. The stranger thought the person who was in the heavy armor was going to hurt him, he wasted no time but to run far away from them.

The person in armor who reach out their hand slowly puts down their hand lowing their head sadly while the other one pats the other one back lightly for comfort afraid if they use too much strength it will hurt the other person.

They continue their journey following the direction where the man ran hoping it could lead them to a village. Both of them were exhausted they were hoping they could at least reach a building to rest and eat.

Their prayer was answered they saw a bar called the Boar hut they couldn't be happier they slowly walked to the boar hut each step they take the dizzier they become one of the heavy armor reached out their hand to the door handle and pull it towards them to open the door.

The rusty armor who opens the door started to walk forward. "The Seven Deadly Sins..." it called out while the one behind also walk forward but didn't say anything.

"It's here!" everyone in the tavern screamed out and run out of the place in fear. A little young man with messy blond hair and a pair of emerald eyes jumps over the bar and then puts his hands on his side looking at the rusty armor in front of him.

"Who are you?" He asked the person in front of him who stop in their trace the young man and then looked at the other rusty armor who had been silent the whole time and started to fall back along with the one who was in front of him.

Both of their helmets revealed the face of the one who was in front of the young man was a girl with very pale skin, long silver hair scattered on the floor and her bangs firstly covered her right eye.

"This kid is one of the seven deadly sins?" A talking pink pig asked as he went beside the young man staring at the girl. But the blond hair boy wasn't paying attention to what the pig was saying he was staring at the other armor who fell down revealing they were also a girl as well.

The other girl had long dark brown hair fading to crimson at the tips. Her hair is styled into two high twin tails parted with a zig-zag pattern and her bangs firstly covered her left eye. The blond hair boy couldn't help but let out a small smile at the sight of her sleeping so peacefully haven not a care in the work.

But he quickly wipe the smile off his face so the talking ping wouldn't notice he went to pick up the girls one by one carrying them upstairs and into his room letting them rest on his bed but not before taking off their armor.

What they didn't know is that a very difficult journey awaits the three of them has finally begun.


YAY finally have the motivation to finish a chapter I know it's short but the chapter will be longer I promise hopefully ill have the motivation of writing chapter two T^T anyways thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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