Discovering Kaishi (1)

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The sea was calm with stars shining through the darkness.

Cale likes the soft breeze, his hair a fluttering mess and a calm smile on his lips. The air is cold, but that didn't bother the red-head as the older dragon cast some thermal magic on him. The quiet was a welcoming change to the usual madness his people display daily.

His thoughts soon turn towards the newest discovery.

A new continent.

Cale can spot so many problems that will arrive if they introduce their lands to the new one. He just hopes the people one the new one- he really needs to learn the name of the continent as soon as possible or make one up- are neither power hungry nor too stupid.

Both are traits that promote war, an instance Cale is trying to avoid.

A sigh left the tired red-head.

They sailed for a few days now with only one storm disrupting their travels. Both dragons made short work out of the weather occurrence and they continued their travels in relative peace.

A few sea serpents tried to pick a fight, emphasis on 'try'. In the end, Beacrox served a superb sea serpent stew that had the kids hoping for more suicidal water lizards picking a fight.

The ship crew was divided between respectfully staring and shrieking like school girls with a crush, some even mustered up the courage to talk to some members of Cale's group. No one approached Cale yet, a fact that confuses the red-head- he wasn't that unfriendly looking?- and makes him glad at the same time.

What he didn't know was that Choi Han and Eruhaben made sure that no one approached Cale. As soon as a stranger enters a ten-meter radius, they turn up their glares and scare the soul out of a hopeful crew member.

Cale felt some salty water drops hitting his face. A fish, Cale can't place its appearance to a known name, jumped out of the water and splashed the poor ex-commander. Although, calling it just be fish would be wrong as the size of that thing surpasses Cale's own.

Also, why is neon pink?

He shook his head and made his way back towards the belly of the ship where their private quarters are located. Along the way, he collected his wayward members and announced offhand that a meeting will take place.

Cale lifted On and Hong, who were both purring against his legs, and sat down on a comfortable sofa. Ron appeared with a towel and started drying Cale's medium wet hair. Red strands clung to his pale neck and some stubborn ones pasted themselves onto his forehead, sometimes falling into his eyes.

Cale stared at the ensembled members before him. The relatively small room was overcrowded. The red-head didn't want to use the nominal meeting room of the ship as it was far too easy to be overheard.

Choi Han, Eruhaben, Raon, Beacrox, Ron, On, Hong and Cale.

For those who are unaware of their names and powers, this group appears to be small and easy prey. For those that are more than aware of their powers and equally fear and respect their names, this group could easily take over a country or two (depends on how many palaces they need to blow up).

Something Cale really hopes that won't happen.

Holding back a sigh, Cale started the meeting.

"We will arrive in a few days at most. Both the economical and cultural standards are unknown. To fit in but not stand out, we need to appear as average. When the ship reaches coast area, Raon and Eruhaben-nim will fly over, invisible of course, to scout the general appearance and clothing styles of the civilians. We will copy the basic hair colors and cloth ourselves in something similar to what the natives wear."

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