1. piano man

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Jeongin's footprints echo through the otherwise silent hallways of his school. Already having tried to stretch out time before leaving the high school forever, he was further held up by his teacher, who wanted to talk to him about his piano skills.

Why would anyone want to talk to him otherwise? It doesn't matter whether it's his mom, friends, acquaintances... His whole life is built up around one fucking instrument.

Piano is the same reason his mom is going to be pissed. Because he has practice, and now he's way too late.

He puts in his earbuds. Finding Troye Sivan on his phone is muscle memory. And then, right before walking out the double door to the parking lot of his school, he stops.

It's stupid to be sentimental, but he is anyway. It'll be the last time he ever walks out. He's not visiting here again.

Graduating is incredible, but sometimes, it fucking sucks.

Heaving a sigh, he finally steps out, and is immediately confronted by the goddamn humidity. The air just feels like it's about to start pouring, a feeling reinforced by the dark clouds overhead.

Additionally, the last school bus just pulled off from the curve.

"Fuck", he exhales, watching it drive away.

How the fuck is he going to make it home now? And without getting caught in a thunderstorm.

Scowling, he kicks a stray pebble in front of him, then follows it across the asphalt of the parking lot. He might make it home before it rains if he walks fast enough.

No, he won't.

But hope dies last.

There's a few other people still there, a group of other ex seniors standing in a circle close to the exit of the parking lot. Changbin is the first person Jeongin recognizes, smoking a celebratory cigarette. Yeri, Chan, together of course, and a few others passing around a beer.

If he walks fast enough, maybe he can-


Well, there goes that hope. Bracing himself, he turns.

Bang Christopher Chan and Jeongin used to be best friends in elementary.

No, really. Their parents were friends, and encouraged them to play together, so they did. At least, up until Chan was in 5th grade and Jeongin in 4th.

Later on, piano left no time for play dates, and Chan and him started running different circles, and then Jeongin wasn't invited to his 7th grade birthday party, and that was that.

Chan had a hell of a glow up over the years though, going from 5'3 with a terrible bleach job to being handsome in a careless way, wearing a well kept leather jacket, black shirt, and extraordinarily ripped jeans. And a terrible bleach job, because some things never change, and one of those things is Chan's banana yellow hair.

"Did you miss the bus?", Chan asks, cocking his head. His frizzed curls bounce with the motion.


Jeongin is not sure why Chan is talking to him now. They don't even nod to each other in hallways. Sure, they were in the same year, because Chan had to repeat senior year, and they didn't talk or share many classes, so that doesn't count.

"That's too bad. Do you have another way to get home?", Chan asks, keeping his eyes on him. Why is he pressing this?

"Channie! Why are you talking to him?"

Chan's girlfriend Yeri is as mean as she is pretty. And she's stunning. Long dark curls, pouty lips, nice body, the works.

Blood rushes to Jeongin's face. He knows that Yeri hates him because of what he did in 9th grade, but he didn't expect her to hold that grudge this long.

Youth; JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now