Leaf 02

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Thinking about all this sleep took over her and she slept on  the sofa near by  pool clutching the blanket tightly.  Shivay who was in room restless not to have her besides him he decided to get her instead of waiting for her to come and sleep besides him. He slipped in his shoes and left from there. 

He comes towards the pool side an stopped there seeing her sleeping curling like ball.

There I wasn't able to sleep without her and look at her she is sleeping  peacefully here without any worries or tension. He shakes his head and  pick her up in his arms  resting her head on his chest. Seeing her face shining in the dim light of blue a smile   Curled up on his face. He slowly move towards her and placed a kiss on on her forehead softly.

Let's sleep in the room baby saying this he  walk towards his room having her with him. He brought her there and kept her on the bed carefully Hoping to not break her sleep but maybe it was his wrong move and she got up breathing heavily pushing him away. In none second she got dumped up in sweat and got pale.

Hey you   Alright he shows her concern resting his hand on her cheek caressing it softly. Anika sniffles and pushes his hand away running her palm all over her face.

What I'm doing here. As I remember id slept outside on the couch.

I've got you here is there any problem. 

Shivaay you itself asked me to leave the room remember.

Yes I did but in anger. I  didn't want to do it but seeing your stubbornness I asked you to leave.

What's got changed in an hour that you brought me back

You know as well I can't sleep without you so why are you for.

Yh right you can't sleep without me.  She says sarcastically making him frown

What do you mean by that.  He tilt his brows looking at her with questionable gaze. 

Nothing I mean nothing shivaay. Anyways turn off the light I wanna sleep.  After all I've to get up early in the morning. She says laying on the bed back facing him

Anika you can't sleep without telling me what do you mean just tell me what you  wanted to say. He says pulling her back making her sit  on the bed again Anika  huffs and clutch her head in her palm which is bursting  in pain.

Shivaay I'm tired can't you understand. Whole day I was working didn't get time even to sit for a second. Can you please let me take rest. Otherwise if I got sick then it will get hard for me to  do your all work.  She says having  tired gaze

You are behaving like you are my slave who does my  each and every thing

I'm Shivay I'm who does each and everything  of yours without having a break. A robot Even take rest for  having charge but me I don't. Im unstoppable.  For you I've to be available 24/7 and have to see you with miss maya who claims you as her boyfriend. 

You don't do favour on me. I'm your husband and it's your duty to do it.

Yes it's my duty   I've to do whether I would be dying even. And I guess I've to do it for life time. Now can you  please let me sleep. I really need a few hours rest. Saying this she lay down on the bed and  closed her eyes for sleep  making Shivay  hell angry Seeing her being like this

You know what Anika I did grave mistake to marry you. I shouldn't had do it. It's biggest fault of mine ever . But she didn't answer and chose to be in Same position without looking back. 

I hate you Anika I really do saying this he stormed away from there in anger cursing her under his breath.

Anika see his retreating figure and burst into tears clutching the pillow

Regret to fell for him ✔️Where stories live. Discover now