Chapter 3

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Hesitantly Zak breaks off a piece of the pastry, he notices how good it smells making him hungry. For a moment he considers eating the whole thing, but the voice comes to mind 'You must take that Poke Puff there on that rock and devour a portion of it, no more, no less.' Slowly Zak puts the piece of the puff into his mouth, the flavor is out of this world almost sending a jolt down his spine. Suddenly Zak realizes that the jolt he felt was not his imagination due to the luscious flavors but in fact a literal current starting to surge through his body. Feeling the pain of an electrical power coursing into his veins he cries out in agony for a moment, almost spitting out the poke puff. "Do not resist the change, Do Not Dare spit it out or you shall feel true pain as the halted change would tare your body apart and kill you," barks the voice. Resisting his urge to spit it out he swallows the rest, and the pain slowly starts to subside. His vison starts to blur, and his body becomes weak, it's hard to keep his eyes open any longer. As he slowly gives in to the tired feeling the voice seems to come again "Now know change, know the world, know your place but don't forget where you came from, if you shall forget you will not be able to find your way back," it sounds so far away, Zak struggles to listen and tries to ask more but nothing comes out. He cannot help but fall into a deep slumber and passes out hearing the final words. "Do not forget who you are, your heart is the key!" 

(Zak's POV)

I awoke from my sleep suddenly and quite abruptly, looking around I notice I am still within the confines of the clearing I walked into previously. Noticing how thirsty I am, I rush over to the nearest water source. Closing my eyes and I start taking big gulps of the cool pristine water before me. I never noticed how refreshing the water around here tasted, then again, I've rarely drank from a stream outright. I would normally use a canteen a cup, something to gather the water. Finally opening my eyes, I was severely shocked to realize the reflection in front of me was a Jolteon! Excited as ever thinking I might be able to catch a Jolteon, I spun around to see it. My eyes must be playing tricks on me, for there was nothing behind me besides the openness of the clearing. Turning back, I see the Jolteon just sitting there with almost the same confused expression as me. I may be dumb for it, but I thought maybe it was in the water, so I outstretched my hand. As I did that I looked down towards my hand and realized it wasn't a hand at all, but a yellow paw. Turning my, I guess, paw towards myself I see 4 black beans on my paw, these must be my paw pads. I chuckled to myself almost wanting to boop my own beans. My daydreaming is interrupted by a sudden voice from somewhere behind me, a voice I don't recognize at all. "Have you seen my trainer, he was here I can smell him, but I can't seem to find him." Turning around to see whose voice it is, I notice it's a Lycanroc. I had a Lycanroc in my team, could this be my partner?? "Who is your trainer anyways?" I said with a gentle tone. "My trainers name is Zak," the Lycanroc says.

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