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...And as it died down, what Izuku heard was, "Servant class assassin, Jack the Ripper. Now tell me, are you my master?" Hearing this, he looks and sees this guy.

 Now tell me, are you my master?" Hearing this, he looks and sees this guy

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"Yes, yes I am. My name is Izuku Midoriya." Izuku responds to Jack, who just smirks. Jack just asks "May I ask why you summoned me master?" "First off, don't call me master, feels weird to be called that. We are instead companions. Second, the reason why I summoned you is because I want to learn how to properly be a stealthy person and not that many things that I think you are the best suited for." Izuku answers back. "I'm not sure if you know the present society, so I will explain it to you."

{Meanwhile, over in the super society}

It has been roughly a decade since Izuku has "disappeared" and the case had been closed after 6 months. The Bakugo's have taken it the hardest, since Izuku had vanished of the face of the earth. We head over to Katsuki Bakugo, who is currently in his 3rd year of Aldera Middle School.

Ever since Izuku disappeared and has been deemed gone, Katsuki has dedicated his future hero career to save people like the person he saw as a brother. He had made sure to humble himself so he can be well-liked. 'I will make sure what happened to you Zuzu doesn't happen to anyone else.' Katsuki thought.

He even decided to defend people who have weak quirks, are quirkless or have been treated like a villain due to their quirks. Yes he and his parents did in fact know about Izuku's quirk status, however due to Mitsuki making sure that Katsuki knows from a young age how hard they have it, Katsuki doesn't hold any ill-will towards them.

In fact, he is well-known through out his school as the 'Protector of the Weak' since he protects those that deserve it, not those that think they shouldn't. He, legally hasn't broken any rules and the school doesn't put anything on his record, due to how they have been threatened by Mitsuki, aka the Devil's Lawyer, to be a fair school.

{Back to Izuku}

Izuku has explained to Jack about this society and what he's planning on doing for the next 3 years, before UA University starts. Jack just smirks, knowing why Izuku has summoned him and plans on teaching him so much more than simple stealth.

"Well Izuku, since we are going to be companions, I am going to teach you more than just simple stealth. I am going to teach you all of my skills, which will continue while you are doing Vigilante stuff." Jack says, getting Izuku to be excited about how he's going to learn more from one of the most infamous killers/assassins in the pre-quirk era.

"I should let you know Jack that I've been doing some stealth training over the past few years while Zelretch was still alive. He passed away last night." Izuku says, smiling at the fond memories he made with Zelretch.

"You must have been close to him, then." Jack responded, knowing what it feels like to be close to someone. Izuku states warmly "I saw him as a father after my mom died making sure I wasn't hit when I was 4." After that little sentiment, Izuku decided to give his servant/companion a tour of the place, unaware that he is going to activate the second magic soon, since it was passed down to Izuku.

Once the tour is done, the month of training before Vigilantism begins. During this month, he has learnt not only how to be unheard, but also leave no trace. He has also learnt how to use his surroundings more, including how to be a proper assassin.However Izuku won't truly kill unless they are irredeemable. They both, with some wall scaling, practiced in the forest.

Izuku has even practiced whilst in his vigilante outfit, after all, he needs to get used to fighting in it. During all of this, even though he's gone to different worlds to train, he spars against Jack to make sure his skills don't dull, no matter what they are. Izuku managed to think up a name he will go by. It is a simple name, yet effective since it's close to what his powers are. The name: Magus.

However, it is now time for Izuku to begin his vigilantism. Izuku and Jack have, since they are master and servant/companions, come to an agreement. If Izuku is in trouble, Jack will help out.

{Timeskip to Musutafu at night}

Izuku is already prepped in his outfit, jumping between roofs as if they are trees, using his senses to find a crime. With his honed senses, he finds a crime in an alley that was roughly a block and half to his left that was just starting.

He gracefully gets over there thanks to his trained skills and looks into the alley, assassins creed style. The crime thats Izuku sensed is a few gang members threatening to eliminate the unfortunate person if they don't give them everything they have on them.

Just before the unfortunate victim got shot by one of the gang members, Izuku traced a short sword to hit the gang members. The sword went into the gun man's elbow before he could pull the trigger and made him drop the weapon.

Before they all could look to see where it came from, something was thrown down and activate. The thing that was thrown down, was a smoke bomb. Once it starts filling the alley, Izuku jumps down and starts fighting them.

The fight ends rather quickly since Izuku uses his speed to avoid any projectiles while doing 1-2 moves (whether that's being physical or using any floating projectiles to do the job) to knock them out. Once that's done, he projects rope and ties them up. He leaves a note for the victim to call the police before disappearing, while leaving his vigilante name so the society can't think of a stupid name for him.

The victim calls the police before the smoke had fully dissipated. Once the police get there, the smoke is gone and they see the gang members tied up, which they promptly haul off. The victim is asked a few questions about what happened, which wasn't much nor who took care of them. All they got, was the vigilante's name and no finger prints nor any way of identifying him.

Meanwhile, Izuku is cleaning up some other crimes, however not too many. Why he isn't doing too many is because he still needs to fully get into the swing of it. Overall, this night is the start of Izuku, or rather Magus, and how he became a well-known legend.

For now, the police will try to catch Magus before calling in heroes. What no-one knows, is that Magus won't be caught, and instead will become a rather infamous vigilante. And so, let Izuku begin having fun 'dancing' around the police or heroes sent to apprehend him.

{The morning after Izuku's starting night}

He is tired, though not as much as he should be since he has slowly conditioned his body over the month to need less sleep. As he got up, Izuku decided to get some breakfast. However, as he went into the kitchen/dining area, he saw Jack making food.

"I see that you are up Izuku, I decided to make breakfast for you after a successful night." Jack speaks, while focusing on cooking. Izuku smiles, since his companion has been a nice one, even if his legend is 1 of killing people.

They go about their normal day, which is just more training. However Izuku is planning on summoning another servant soon, so he can learn some more parts. He isn't sure which class he should summon next.

He still plans on doing some vigilantism that night.

{That night}

Izuku is hopping between buildings, not having an established route yet. However due to how his senses were trained, he managed to find some crimes that were happening. This is his second night that he is doing it, and he's already getting a hang of hunting down crimes.

There is only 1 rumor that has very slowly started spreading throughout the underground. That rumor, is a new vigilante coming in. As Izuku does his vigilante acts and through more cities, the rumor will spread, however will more are going to be added to the rumor.

Izuku repeats what he did the previous night, just to get some more practice in fighting and apprehending, rather than fighting to eliminate, as Zelretch has gotten him to do more often than not.

And so Izuku's vigilantism continues for the next 3 years...

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