Surprise in the whitehouse

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Donald was peacefully laying in his bed not a sound bothering him and then..his alarm blares waking him up instantly. "Oh my Jesus 😦," Trump says while getting up to turn his alarm off before it wakes anyone up. He got up and went to his computer to see if he had gotten any emails. Keep in mind he was applying for president. And there it was. The email. "Yes!" He says with excitement. He ran to his closet changing quickly, doing his hair, grabbing his computer, and then leaving the house turning on his car.

On the other hand Barack and Joe had just entered the White House both at different times not realizing they would have the same job. "Hello," both men say raising their hands. Obama is walking up the stairs to his room noticing Biden is following him, "why are you following me?" "I'm...not? I'm going to my room," "oh, well sorry for assuming," nodding his head before turning around and continuing to walk. They both end up at the same room giving each other confusing looks. "This is my room," "no it's mine," both putting their hands on the doorknob then staring at each other. Biden started leaning in getting closer to Obama until he heard someone coming. "Oh...hello I'm Trump. Donald Trump," "Uh can you move? This is my room," "no this is my room," "no it's mine," all three of them started bickering until you came in. "Hello, I'm the secretary. Do you three need help?" "Yes we do actually," Barack speaks up. "This is my room, but these men are saying it's their room too," "well, you see it's all of your guy's room," there was a moment of silence before Biden went into his room and yelling "why is there only one bed!?" "Oh about that...the other beds haven't come in yet so you'll have to share!" You say before quickly walking away flustered at their handsomeness. (Literally crying writing this)

The other two guys walked in the room closing the door behind them. "I can't believe we have to share a bed," one guy says under his breath. "We aren't going to make this weird because I dislike both of you guys," Obama says pointing his finger. "Of course. All three of us are all rivals, but," Biden says dragging the last word, "we don't have a choice." "He's right. We don't have a choice. We have to figure out how to get along," "I guess your right," Trump agrees. Donald leaves the room going to the bathroom. "So where were we?" Biden says talking about earlier. "Joe I don't if we shou-" he was cut off by Joe giving him a kiss getting closer to each other. *knock knock* "so her is your guys schedu-" you say looking up to see Biden and Obama kissing. Your mouth dropped and your eyebrows furrowed.

You were about to walk away before Biden calls out, "wait y/n, join us." You stopped and stood still before turning around and walking into the room. Standing before the bed. Your inclosed grippers were yurning to get out of the shoes and waiting to smother Biden and Obama with your gripper juice. You took your shoes off and were about to close the space between your feet and the presidents and then....


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