How I Imagine Sherlock

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First of all, the person writing this has been influenced from the thousands of versions of Sherlock Holmes there are. So the descriptions written here will not be exactly like the original series written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle neither will it be exactly like the book's other variations, but a mixture of those pieces with my own fantasy will be this monstrosity of a wattpad fanfiction.

Second of all, let's begin!

221B Baker Street
The iconic apartment! In my mind this place is so interesting to me, I think it has a lot to offer though small. I imagined a small lab in it and a library with various files of previous interesting cases

The Personality of Sherlock
Something I don't like about the series movie adaptations is that they sometimes make Sherlock a bit too serious even with John. I can recall reading him laugh  plenty of times and a wicked sense of humor which humanises the detective in my opinion.

His Relationship With Dr. Jhon Watson
One of my favourite things in the whole entire series, I just love them! Watson, the narrator, is a classic Victorian-era gentleman unlike Sherlock but yet they match so perfectly. I can't watch a adaptation if it does not show the friendship and the way they work with other in atleast a bit of detail. Plus Jhon brings out the reason almost everyone reads the series, those moments when Sherlock Holmes explains to our simple minds the way in which he came out with a solution or a theory, there I feel like I'm Jhon, Jhon is me.

"Elementary, my dear Wastson"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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