(Sabo x GN Reader) Relax

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You had noticed that your boyfriend seemed very stressed. I mean, he IS the chief of staff. But still, you decided that the blondie needed a break.

You stood behind him and started to lightly massage his shoulders. At first he tensed up a tiny bit, which surprised you as his color of observation was good enough that he should have known you were behind him. But just as quickly, he began to relax into your touch.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here? I thought you were hanging out with Koala."

You giggled softly, "I was, but then I heard you hadn't taken a break from work all day." He sighed slightly at the mention to his pile of papers he was slowly going through. "And..." you continued, " I decided I needed to change that." You draped your arms around his shoulders and gave him a little hug.

"Thanks for the thought (y/n), but I really can't take a break." Sabo said softly.

"I call bullshit on that statement." Your use of the word 'bullshit' caught your boyfriend slightly off guard, causing him the laugh just a tiny bit.

The sight of Sabo laughing caused you to smile. "Of course you can take a break Love, it's not healthy to push yourself like this. It'll just lead to burn out. And that won't help will it?"

"No, I suppose it won't.." he reluctantly agreed.

"Come! Cuddle with me" 

This, Sabo couldn't refuse. He loved your sweet cuddles. 

You two lay facing each other. And you could see Sabo spacing out. 'He's probably thinking about work again.' "Hey!" You flicked his forehead. "I told you to stop thinking about work!"

"Sorry Love, I just can't help it!" You flicked his forehead again. "Owww (y/n) that hurttttt" he pouted, making puppy dog eyes that reminded you a little of his brother when he was told that the meat in front of him was for someone else. The thought caused you to giggle, closing your eyes and parting your lips in a smile. "(Y/n), are you laughing at my pain?" Sabo asked, an obviously fake hurt look on his face, and in his tone.

"Of course not Love! I would never!" You said trying to sound accused, and trying, and failing to match your boyfriend's hurt expression. "Here," you leaned in. "I'll kiss it better, how bout that?" At a slight satisfied noise from the blondie you leaned in and left a lingering kiss on his forehead.

Sabo's lips curled down in a pout when you removed you lips from his forehead. Which caused you to giggle at him again. Seriously you boyfriend was too cute for his own good. "(Y/nnnnnnnn) I want another kiss!" Seriously, TOO cute. 

"Umm Love, I don't see how the fact you aren't kissing me right now is my fault. If you want another kiss feel free to kiss me." You replied calmly. Sabo liked your sassy side, ALMOST as much as your sweet side. And this comment caused him to laugh. 

You were so cute! Yes Sabo is totally a simp, for you and only you. What can I say, he's not Sanji! Even if you didn't like yourself much or find yourself pretty, Sabo loved you. He loved the way you smiled, and the way you laughed. He loved how your (h/l) hair blew gently in Baltigo's wind. He loved moments like this when you forced him to relax for a bit. And he loved that you cared so deeply for him. 

You giggled softly at Sabo's dreamy smile, and the way he was gazing off into the distance. He's Probably thinking about Ace and Luffy again.  You smiled, at least he thought of Ace and smiled these days.

Aaaaannnnnddd... he was asleep. 

"Pfft you must've been super stressed out and tired to fall asleep this fast." You laughed quietly making an effort to not wake Sabo up. I bet he's been getting less then 2 hours of sleep again...  Oh well. Slowly you eased yourself out of bed, again putting all you had into not waking your boyfriend up. After all all your effort in getting him to relax would be wasted if you waked the light sleeper known as focused-on-work-Sabo up.

 You shut the door quietly heading to the base's kitchen to request some food. and you returned to the Chief of Staff's office with a plate full of as much food as the cooks could pile on top of it. 

Somehow you managed to get back in without dropping the plate, and when you did, you placed the plate lightly on the desk (only after clearing it off, he wasn't Luffy or Ace but Sabo was still a messy eater.) 

You returned to bed but just as soon as you got comfortable Sabo's nose seemed to be informing his sleepy brain of the presence of food. Oh well I guess he's no longer napping.

"Hmm, who are you, are you an angel?"

Okay so he was most definitely still asleep.

"You're so prettyyy..."

You weren't sure whether to laugh or hit him on the head out of embarrassment. 

"Hmm, that's too bad blondie, I have a boyfriend."

"Huh....? Wait (y/n)?! What's going on?"

"You were talking in your sleep again. You said I looked like an angel."

"Oh well I'm not surprised, I mean you do so.." he got up and stretched before adjusting his hat (dunno how he managed to fall asleep like that but-) and moving quickly to the plate of warm food you brought it.

You would have most definitely shouted at him or something, but he was already too busy chomping down food to notice your beet red face.

*time skip of however long it takes Sabo to get a mountain of food**cough* 5 seconds *cough***

And with that it seemed Sabo was now back to work as always. Well at least he had a little break. You decided to head out, maybe you could help Koala or Hack with what they needed to get done.   

"Just make sure to take care of yourself okay?"


Yeah he did not hear what you said sorry-

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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