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 TW: The first part of this chapter contains a trans character pre-transition which means their old pronouns and deadname will be used, there are mentions/talk of overdosing/drugs, swearing and homo/transphobia if you are uncomfortable with this I suggest you skip this chapter or stop reading. Thank you.

 "High school was never really something I was ever interested in. I only really went because my parents made me and because Sage wanted me too. I mean, I guess I made two friends in the process so.."

 "And have your feelings about school changed since then, Ms. Rachael?" The woman asks the person sitting in front of her. Their long, brown hair covers their face as they cast their gaze downwards to hide their scowl.

 "No," they replied, "they have not."
"DO you think they ever will?" The woman asks, not at all bothered by the lack of eye contact as she watches the girl in front of her. 

 "Okay," the woman smiles, "I think that'll be all for today's session R-"
"You know I don't like being called that." They say cutting her off as they finally look up, to glare at the woman. She sighs before responding, with the same answer as always.

 "And you know that I cannot call you anything else." Their glare just hardens and they both stay like that, staring at each other before Rachael gets up and storms out leaving the woman to shake her head in silence.

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 "How was therapy today honey?" Rachael's mother asks as she enters the vehicle. His sister was already at school since it was mandatory for her to attend therapy like her, yet...and her dad was at work, whatever it was he did; Rachael never cared enough to listen to what he said when he spoke about his job, so it was just her and her mother. 

 "Just shut up and drive." He spoke, his voice filled with venom. He smirked as the look of shock quickly took over his mothers face. She always did make the funniest faces, even when she wasn't trying to-

 "Honey?" Her mother's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Right, she asked a question.

 "It was fine. Still don't see why I have to go though" she responded, mostly mumbling the last part to herself. She was sure her mother didn't hear her until she heard her sigh.

 "I know you don't like it but you'll stop needing to go to therapy soon. Especially if you stop this "transgender" nonsense," was her mother's response as she stopped at the red light. Rachael squeezed her eyes and clenched her fists to keep her from lashing out. 

 'Calm down, R,' she thought to herself as her mother continued driving after the light turned green, 'It's not her fault she's an idiot that only knows how to speak bullshi-'

 Her thoughts were once again cut off but this time it was by the sound of her mother's scream, turns out a car rushed the light and rammed into the driver's side of their car sending it flying across the ro-

 "We're here!" Her mother yelled enthusiastically. Rachael opened her eyes and looked around, noting that they were indeed at the Sagefield Highschool. She looked back towards her mother who had turned her upper body so she was facing her.

Her mother reached a hand out and pinched her cheek with a bright smile. If Rachael didn't know any better she would have thought it was genuine.

"Enjoy your first day back sweetheart!" Her mother yelled as she let go of her cheek. Rachael nodded and grabbed her bag, that was sitting next to her in the backseat of the van the entire ride, and exited the vehicle. Her mother waved at her before driving off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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