Memories - Conan Gray

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Quackity and Schlatt had been broken up for about 4 months now. Quackity had kept track of this. It was an abusive relationship and he had known that, but he still cried endlessly, night after night, he was scared to be without him.

But not now, not now and never again. That 3-year relationship meant nothing, or at least that's what Quackity had to tell himself.

He'd finally let go and he could look at pictures of him and Schlatt and just laugh. Well, the few pictures he had left, he ripped most of them up during the first month. He was glad he could smile when he looked at the pictures now; happiness was something he hadn't felt in a while.

He had slowly moved on and today he was taking a huge step; going on a date with a cute new boy he'd met at college. Quackity met this cute boy only a month after he and Schlatt had broken up and he declined many previous date offers from the boy in the past few months.

But that didn't matter anymore, he finally accepted the boys offer and he would have the best night off his life.

He dressed in a casual but fancy outfit and walked out of his room to the living room. He was just about to walk out the door when he heard someone ring his doorbell.


Quackity lived 2 states over from all family due to the college he was at and besides Sapnap, the cute boy he would be meeting in a few minutes, he hadn't talked to anyone since the breakup.

"I never told Sap my address, did I? Why would he be here anyway? I'm going to see him in like a half an hour?" Quackity thought to himself.

He was confused so he eagerly opened the door and when he did, he didn't believe his eyes.

What. The. Fuck.

No. No. No. No. No.

This wasn't happening right now. He wasn't there. This is a bad dream.

He looks so sad though... and it's pouring...

Quackity locked eyes with his alcoholic ex and couldn't help but feel sympathy for him. He could tell Schlatt looked distraught... he just came to apologize... right?

He couldn't turn away a wet dog and next thing he knew, they were sitting on Quackity's kitchen counters, ready to talk things out like they had done a million times in the past.

Except that one time, 4 months ago, when the time wasn't the same as the rest and they didn't make up.

He would only let him stay for 5 minutes; he couldn't miss that date.

"What the fuck do you want Schlatt, why are you here?" He asked in an angry tone, though he was slightly scared. "Quackity.." he started slowly, "I want you back... no! I need you back!"

Fuck, guess he hasn't stopped drinking.

Quackity couldn't do this again, he wouldn't, "I know you're intoxicated Schlatt. You don't mean shit you're saying right now."

Schlatt curled up into a ball and put an even more sappy look on his face, "I miss you babe..." Quackity couldn't stand this, and he was already late to leaving. "Don't fucking call me that. You put me through so much pain for 3 years. You were manipulative and abusive, and I will not let you put me through that again."

Schlatt's face suddenly changed and he became very angry. This was the side that scared Quackity, and everyone Schlatt had been around, but mostly Quackity.

"ME? MANIPULATIVE? YOU MUST BE JOKING. How many nights do you go to Wilbur's to "study for finals" and you went and FUCKED HIM instead." Quackity couldn't believe what he was hearing right now, Schlatt was calling HIM manipulative??

That wasn't even true, he would never fuck Wilbur. Everyone knew how much Wilbur got around, Quackity would never be with anyone like him.

"You know that's not true Schlatt, quit playing the victim here. You're the one that's curled up in my kitchen fucking drunk talking to me for the first time in 4 months after the last time you claimed I was a slut and cheating on you." Quackity said forgetting all his scaredness. "Look Schlatt.." he continued, "I want you to stay in my past. You traumatized me so much. Just stay in my memories and never talk to me again."

Though Quackity had stood up for himself Schlatt kept playing victim and Quackity gave in and let him stay for longer in the night. It's hard to find an end to something that you keep beginning over and over again.

After bickering for around 2 hours Quackity finally had enough shit and said the thing he'd been thinking about the whole time, "I can't be your friend, your lover, can't let you be the reason I don't fall in love with other people."

He didn't think before he spoke and Schlatt had to question this. "What the fuck Quackity, are you seeing someone else?? How could you do this to me??"

Excuse me?

Quackity was in fact talking to someone else but that wasn't Schlatt's business, and they had been split up for months, he could date whoever the fuck he wanted.

He was over Schlatt's bullshit, so he just got up without speaking a word and went to his room. He grabbed the box that had lived in his closet for 4 months with all of Schlatts old things (old books, coats, and colognes).

No matter how much Quackity washed his old sweatshirt that Schlatt used to always wear he can never get that stupid cologne smell out of it.

He ran out to the living room with the box of things, handed it to Schlatt and told him to get the hell out.

Schlatt threw multiple swears at him, but Quackity threated to get a restraining order on him, so he threw his bear bottle to the ground and walked out the door.

Next thing Quackity knew he was right back where he was 4 months ago. Standing alone in his kitchen with shattered glass on the ground back to square one.

The only difference this time was that he had a boy blowing up his phone on how much of a prick he was for bailing on him.

Fuck, maybe he was the asshole.


Word Count- 1060

ANGST!! I am very happy with how this turned out and I'm always a sucker for Quackity and Schlatt angst so hopefully you are too. This is the song that gave me inspiration to start this so I figured it would be a good way to start. I always yell at my partner for making/talking about angst but it's so fun. :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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