Why is this a thought that I had?

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What if every time you google search something about someone, they know?

How would people react if quirks were suddenly a thing due to humans evolving?

Godzilla but... Ranboo.

I just now randomly thought of chicken nuggets, no reasoning whatsoever.  But... what if they were mushy?  Would I still like the taste?  Or would my dislike of the texture get in the way?  I guess it's sort of like mashed potatoes though.. and I enjoy those, I just feel weird about eating mushy chicken nuggets.

I want to dress in a whole bunch of crazy rainbowy, colourful, stripy, mismatchy, clothing, but I feel like I would get stared at.  I also don't have the commitment to actually do it.

I'm constantly switching my attitudes/mannerisms around different people.  If you have spoken to me before you may have noticed this.  So I'm sorry if I caused you any confusion.  It isn't that I fake my personality so that people will like me it's just the fact that different parts of my personality will come out depending on who I'm talking to.  

-For example; if I'm around someone with a more parent-like or calm personality I act more so like a child.  

-If I'm around someone with a humorous and loud personality I tend to mirror it partially.

-Other times I act a bit like a parent.  But that's usually only if someone is doing something stupid.


Random Thoughts I Have As A Random Person.Where stories live. Discover now