Death, Rebirth

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  Izuku screamed victoriously atop the final pile of junk moved to be collected and taken to the dump.

  He'd done it. A quirkless middle schooler, the weak, worthless Deku had completed All Might's assignment.

  The teenager was vaguely aware of the sensation of falling before he was caught in a pair of very large, ridiculously muscular arms.

  "Congratulations my boy." All Might beamed down at him.

  "I did it All Might.." he muttered.

  The hero set Izuku down onto his own feet and laughed.

  "That you did my boy! You even cleaned outside of the specified area! That's what it means to go Plus Ultra, and you've already embodied it!!"

  The hero pulled out his phone, turning it to the teenager after pressing a few buttons.

  "Here, this was you ten months ago! Now look at you!"

  Izuku looked down at himself, not quite believing that he had abs.

  "I believe you are more than ready now." All Might said, a little more solemnly than before. "It is time for your award ceremony!"

  The green haired boy sniffed, looking down at his feet.

  "I can't help but feel like I'm cheating.. I'm so lucky.."

  All Might just laughed.

  "I was once told this! There is a difference between being lucky and earning something! One requires no effort at all, and the other means you worked your socks off!" He said, plucking a long hair from his head.

  "Now," All Might began. "Eat this!"

  He held out the hair.

  "Huh..?" Izuku asked, face blank.

  All Might rubbed the back of his neck bashfully.

  "You need to ingest some of my DNA, that's how it works! Trust me, this is the least gross way to do it!"

  "I- but- you-"

  "There's no time, you'll be late for the exam! Now eat, Eat, EAAATTT!!!"

  A shrill scream echoed across the beach.

  Ninth. Weak. Kind. Timid. Naïve. Exam. Power. All for One. Mercy? No. Kill. End. Destroy. OURS.

  Izuku Midoriya was pushed aside, and the Will of One for All was born.


  The vestiges watched on in horror as their quirk consumed the ninth holder, taking over his body and tossing his consciousness into the vestige realm.

  They all rushed forwards when a smokey black form appeared before them. Once it cleared away Izuku Midoriya was left behind, looking around with a worried expression.

  "W-what's going on? Where am I? W-who are you?" He asked wide eyed.

  Seven stepped forwards, tearful eyes trained on the Ninth.

  "I'm so sorry Izuku.. but you're dead."


  The Will opened their eyes, staring blankly up at Eight, looming over them. The previous holder of them was ashen faced, his blue eyes worried.

  "Young Midoriya... Are you alright?"

  Weak. Train. UA. Strong. Fight. Kill. Exam.

  The Will tilted their head. It would be best if they continued with the Ninth's original plans to attend UA, in order to train and strengthen their body in preparation for fighting and killing All for One.

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