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You guys finally arrived to school. As usual, he opened the doors for you and you got inside. You both walked into the room where the rest of the boys were.

"Boys, this is our sub Y/N. Of course, I'm sure you knew that already but you never introduced yourselves. So, boys if you will."

Eddie then pulled a chair out for you next to him at the table. You took a seat and waited.

"Hi, I'm Mike."

You looked over to the kid with black hair. The rows just went down from there. You said 'hi' to everyone. Then, the game begun. The monster you were fighting was Vecna. As Eddie described, he was missing his left eye and arm. The boys were freaking out about it. You were trying to fit in so you did the same. Thankfully, Eddie helped you out throughout the gameplay.


It then came to a point where Vecna was becoming too powerful after you all decided to fight to the death. You all got up in a group huddle to discuss what to do.

"Half of us are dead already. We might have to flee."

"But I thought we were fighting to the death?"

"That wasn't literal!"

"We could still risk it."

Then, you heard Eddie talking behind you.

"If I may interject gentlemen, Y/N. There is no shame in running. Don't try to be heroes. Not today. Okay?"

Then you guys huddled back. You and Dustin were the only ones left. Both of you left with 12 points. Both of you weren't on the battlefield so it was your call on what to do.

"What do you say Y/N?"

"Is that even a question?"

Then silence. You all turned around. Both you and Dustin decided to fight. Dustin asked for the D20 die. He rolled and got a 11.

"That's a miss!"

Eddie shouted while nodding and shaking his head. Then, it was your turn. You took your time rolling the die in your hand. You finally let it go. It rolled and rolled until you got a 20. All of you celebrated for your win. Eddie was left shocked. He was surprised that it actually got 20. He then rolled his arms out.

"Nice win Y/N."

You just smiled at your win, feeling proud of yourself. You all cleaned up the game, putting it away. You then walked out of the school talking about how great it was that you still got that 20. After you all parted ways, you and Eddie went back to his car. He opened the door for you, letting you in. He then climbed in after you.

"You know, for you to actually get that 20 was a low chance. I'm very impressed."

"Thanks eds."

"Anytime princess."

He then started up the car. He started driving you back. On the way there, you talked more about the game. That was, until Eddie decided to change up the subject.

"So, I want to talk about earlier."

"What about earlier?"

"When I came to pick you up. Your mom said that you talked about me."

"Okay? What about it?"

"I just can't believe you told your mom about me."

He was wanting to say something else but was easing into it.

"Well, I mean, of course. You're the first friend I've made since I got here."

He just smiled at you.

"You sure it's nothing else, love?"

You blushed a little but tried to hide it.

"No. Nothing at all."

He just smiled knowing it was. You didn't do a good job hiding your feelings from him. You made it back to your house. He opened the door for you and even walked you to your door.

"Thanks for being a sub for Sinclair."

"Yeah, no problem. If you need me anytime else, I'll be there."

He smiled and gave you a hug before leaving. He waved to you before leaving your house. You waved back. You then went inside to find your mom at the kitchen table.

"Hi mom."

"Hey hunny. How was D&D?"

"It went great! I won!"


"Mom, guess what?"


"He hugged me!"

You were having one of those teenage love moments but you couldn't help it. You were falling more in love with him by the second.

"Aww! That's cute. My daughter being so in love. Hey, I'm just glad you have a friend here and now a crush apparently."

"Thanks mom. I'm gonna go to bed."

"Okay goodnight. I love you."

"I love you too."

You hugged your mom before heading to your room. You changed into your pj's and climbed in bed. You lay down for a little while thinking about Eddie. He was everything to you even though knowing little about him. Though, by the way he acted around you and himself in general was enough. After sitting in your thoughts for a while, you finally fell asleep.

Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now