Chapter Two

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Taki And Alessa were continued fighting Astaroth.

Astaroth: " I shall kill you two now!!!"

Taki & Alessa: " Not on our watch pal."

Suddenly, Kilik, Maxi and Xianghua showed up.

Maxi: " Hey, old timer!"

Astaroth: " You!!!"

Maxi: " I've got some unfinished business with you. You two better get going, me and the other two friend of mine will holding off."

Xianghua: " Maxi has a point."

Kilik: " You heard Maxi."

Taki and Alessa were nodded as the two headed upstairs. The two were in desperated to find Cassandra and Sophitia, until they heard an explosion.

Alessa: " What is that?!"

Taki: " It came from the other side."

Alessa and Taki were heading to the other side of the hallway and Cassandra and Sophitia were fighting each other.

Alessa: " What the hell are you two doing?!"

Cassandra: " Don't come any closer! Sophie is out of control!"

Alessa: " Sophie, stop this madness!!!"

Sophitia pointed her sword at Alessa.

Sophitia: " Don't interfere or I'll kill you two!!!"

Taki: " Killing your own sister is not the solution to your problem!"

Alessa: " Sophie, I understand that you had a fragment that buried close to your heart, but I'll be the one who can prevent the tragic future that could cause cold and darkness."

Cassandra: " What do you mean a tragic future?"

Alessa: " Do you want to let Sophitia's future children would ended up fighting each other due to an involvement with two powerful swords?"

Cassandra began to sobbed and cry.

Cassandra: " I don't want Sophie to die or sacrificed her life in order to saved her children! How am  I supposed to live in normal life if Sophie is now ready to gave her own life for the sake of her children!"

Alessa wiped Cassandra's tears with the hankerchief.

Alessa: " Let me handle Sophitia. I'll be the one who can save her so that I don't want to see the future Cassandra who become the next malfested."

Cassandra's face went white and deadpanned.

Cassandra: " Why would  I want to become the next malfested?"

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