「 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 」

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last night was amazing.

they gave me the night of my life and it will be unforgettable. the way they both held me as they took their turns with me, the way their moans sounded, the way how intimate everything was.

we only went two rounds of intercourse, one with each and let's just say that was the best of the night. their cocks stroked my walls with pleasure and on a steady pace. not once did they fast. madison said that we were making love, not fucking.

her words, not mine.

the thought of everything all over again was making me aroused.

a nose pressed on my neck and the person groaned.

"too early to be smelling your arousal," danielle uttered in my neck and i giggled.

i turned to her, pressing my butt on madison's crotch, ignoring the pain between my thighs.

"i wouldn't mind going two more rounds."

madison pecked the back of my neck and i felt her getting up. danielle pecked her mark and tons and tons of sparks shot through my body.

i moaned softly and she got also and lifted me bridal style.

"come on. we're gonna shower." danielle said.

"all three of us together?" i got excited of the thought and she nodded.

i squealed and hung my head over her hand as we walked in the bathroom.

"princess?" i heard madison's voice in my head.

i looked at her when she came in my view.


"you respond back mentally." madison laughs.

"well i don't know how to." i huffed.

"all you need to do is say something mentally and direct it to the specific person." danielle instructed and she made me stand.

my legs buckled and i held onto her arms as i almost fell.

"it'll pass." madison says, "now back to the matter at hand," she turned on the shower and turned on the heater.

"uhh," i drawled out in my head.

they laughed, "yes we got that." danielle said and i clapped myself.

"that's on hard work."


after a cleansing shower, we headed downstairs in the pack house. it was time for everyone to eat breakfast with the higher ranks in the pack and i was excited for my first breakfast with them.

we entered the eating area and walked to the top of the table. madison pulled out the chair at the top of the table and walked to the side of the table where their seats were, one of either sides of the table.

everyone stood up on our arrival and i smiled at all of them.

i motioned for them to sit down and they did and my women and i sat down. the omegas came in with plates filled with healthy food and then another set came in with coffee and poured it in our cups.

salt and sugar was placed on the table in small silver tin with holes on top of it.

danielle motioned for me to make the 'go' to eating and i give her a confused look.

"hit the spoon with on the cup twice."

i did as told.

"this ain't dinner. everyone should start eating as soon as the food is placed in front of them," i said, "and im also not making an announcement so the teacup should not be hit."

"is that something you want to change?" madison asks.

"if it possible, yes."

"okay, baby. we'll inform the higher ranks about this."

"thank you." i replied mentally and she mumbled the opposite.

everyone started eating as they conversed with each other.

i saw jules, jana, jeremy and tiara and waved to them discreetly as they grinned.


realized i never put jules picture so this is her.

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