Don't Look Back

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Catarina/Kitty if you happen to be reading this I hope you don't mind I used the name Kayla. I named her after one of my best friends and was in no way taking it from your story. If it does bother you please tell me and I'll change it. 

I hear the explosions behind me as I run. My heart beating faster than ever before, my lungs burning, my legs on the verge of giving out. I refuse to acknowledge any of that and continue running. If I stopped I would die. Not just me but everyone I hold dear in my heart. II finally stop running when I reach a glass building. Each of my family members were strapped onto metal boards. I see a man wearing a lab coat smile coldly and pull a lever. Soon the glass room was fills with screams of agonizing pain. My little sister, Dani's screams are the highest pitch and bother me the most. I scream out in anger and hit the walls repeatedly as tears stream down my face. "NO!" I yell as I collapse onto the ground and sob.

 "Lia. Lia wake up." Kayla, my best and only friend, says while shaking me. I wake up and see that I'm drenched in tears and sweat. It was only a nightmare. I tell myself that every night. It isn't only a nightmare. It's all true. I was taken as a small child and my family was tortured as a result of their attempts to save me. "The dream again?" Kayla asks as she hands me a glass of water. I nod and take the glass. I look outside the tiny window in my room and frown. It was almost sunrise. "why're you awake so early?" I ask as I gulp down the water and hide it in a trunk I have by my bed. We aren't allowed to take glasses unless given them. Kayla shrugs. "I don't really know I just woke up early." she replies and looks out the window as well.

  I sigh and get up. We were supposed to get up soon enough anyway. "Hey I'm gonna go get dressed see you later?" Kayla asks as she walks toward the door of my room. "Sure" I say and reach toward my uniform. I look at it. It consists of a grey t-shirt many sizes too large, black pants and black shoes. A very simple uniform. They didn't want to spend too much money on things like clothes. I quickly get dressed and comb through my hair with my fingers. I hear the bell signaling to get up and wait.

  Thirty minutes later I hear the second bell meaning breakfast is ready and use a pin to make my shirt fit slightly better. I walk out of my room and into the dining room. I see Kayla and smile. She smiles back and faces the other direction. We aren't supposed to make friends here. I remember meeting her when I first came here. I was 7 and she was 8. We were the latest additions to the school and were both terrified. She saw me crying and walked over to me. We looked nothing alike then or now. I have light blonde curls and she has thick dark brown hair. I have golden eyes and she has hazel eyes. I have fair ivory skin and she has dark brown skin. The only thing we share is our body structure. We both are somewhat tall and have long legs.

 She asked me what was wrong and I said that I was scared. She replyed by saying that she was too and then she promised me that we could and will get out of there. Still waiting on that Kayla. Of course I don't hold her to that promise. She was young at the time and unaware of what they did here but it's still comforting to think that maybe one day II really will leave.

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