Dreams~Chapter One

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Just some info you should know before reading.


Jeremy is not dead, neither Is Alaric. (I love him to much as a character to  have him die.) 

Elana is not a Vampire yet, but Caraline is. 

Thank you so much for reading this!! I hope you enjoy

Happy reading!! XD

Stefan was kissing down my neck, i closed my eyes, and then opened them, but instead of Stefan, I saw Damon. "What the hell" I pushed damon off of me.

Elana's Diary

I woke up in a cold sweat, I had been having dreams recently. Damons in all of them, In fact he's the main focus. I'm not sure what it means, but i don't really want to think about it. Maybe Bonnie can help. I'm staying at Stefans for a while, Its better for Jeremy that way.  Stefans asleep next to me right now, I can't sleep though.. And I can't very well tell him that i have been dreaming about his brother...

End of entry.

"Dreaming of me?" Damon asked from the door, As if he had read my  mind. I rolled my eyes and whispered, "You wish.." Trying not to wake Stefan. "You know i'm right." He smirked and turned on his heel to walk out of the room. 

My fingers raced to my neck to make sure that I hadn't been compelled. Thankfully my necklace was still there, But that also meant that i was dreaming about Damon on my own... without the help of compulsion. I can't tell stefan because he would react badly.. and i can't tell damon, for obvious reasons... Maybe i'll just tell Caraline and Bonnie. 

~-~-~-~-~ ~-~-~-~-~~-~-~-~-~~-

I walked into the school and found caraline and bonnie next to their lockers. "Girls night tonight?" I asked them. "Of course" Bonnie said. "Sure, We can have it at my house" Care added, knowing that I was staying with the salvators and couldn't really have it there. 

"Great!" I replied. " I really have to talk to you guys..." I added. "Why, what happened?" Bonnie asked, sounding concerned. "I'll tell you tonight.." I said. "Ooh! I'm excited!" Caraline said, smiling. Then the bell rang and Stefan appeared at my side. "We have to get to history. Alaric won't be happy if we're late." He said. "I know.." I said, smiling at him. "Oh! We're having a girls night at Caralines tonight, so i won't be at the Boarding house."

~-~-~-~-~~-~-~-~-~ ~-~-~-~-~ ~-~-~-~-~ 

"I'm sorry, you have been dreaming about what?" Care asked. "Dreams about Damon.." I whined. "I need Alcohal.." She replied, rushing, vampire speed, to the kitchen. "Are you sure he didn't compel you?" Bonnie asked, returning her attention to me. "Positive.. I was wearing my Vervain necklalce." I said. "I'll see if i can find anything" Bonnie replied. "What are they about?" Care asked, returning with a giant bottle of Alcohal. 

"I was kissing Stefan and then he just.. turned into Damon?" I said. "Oh god... I'm sorry Elana, but if you ever chose Damon over Stefan, I'm staying team stefan.." She replied, taking a long sip of her drink. "Don't worry. I won't" I said. I hope Bonnie will be able to figure this out. 

For the rest of the night, we watched movies and talked, it was a night that all of us had needed for a long time. Bonnie fell asleep on the couch and I somehow found myself asleep on the floor.

I woke up the next morning to Care and Bonnie, dancing around the kitchen while  making breakfast. I walked in and asked, "Productive morning?" "Very." Caraline replied, a wide smile spreading across her face.

"Party tonight. Care's forcing me to go, and i'm forcing you." Bonnie said as i laughed. "Fine" I replied. "Any dreams last night?" Caraline asked. "None that i can remember" I said. "Good, Maybe there going away!!" she added. "Yeah.. maybe.." 

"Ooh! We need to go dress shopping for the party!!" 

~-~-~-~-~ ~-~-~-~-~ ~-~-~-~-~ 

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" Everyone chanted. I jumped off the keg and miraculously landed on my feet as everyone cheered, then i walked over to my friends. "Great party." I slurred.

"Elana.. your drunk." Bonnie said, concerned. "Impossible.. I never get drunk." I said. "Heh, That's it. I'm calling Stefan. " Bonnie replied as Caraline went to go dance with Tyler.. Or Matt? I can't remember. Bonnie grabbed my phone and clicked on Stefans number. It rang and rang and rang, but nobody picked up. So she called him again.

"Come on Bon!!" I started, then laughed, "That rhymed.." I said. "I'm fine" I slurred. "No, your not" She replied. "Damn it Stefan!! Why won't you pick up your phone!" She  said. Then without thinking, she clicked on the next contact on my phone... Damon Salvatore. 

Phone call

"What?" Damon asked. "As much as I hate to call you, your her last option." Bonnie started.. "And what makes you think i'd help you?" He asked. "The fact that Elana's super drunk and needs a ride home." She replied. "And why can't you be her designated driver?" He asked.

"Because! I have to make sure that Caraline doesn't get drunk and try to eat anybody. And because I know that your in love with her!" Bonnie Snapped back, clearly annoyed. "Fine.. I'll be there in ten."  he replied. 

Call ends

Damon got here pretty fast, he helped me walk to his car while i was saying random stuff. "I dont understand why I can't just  drive myself" I said. "Because your drunk." Damon replied. "Yeah.. I'd probably drive myself off Wickery Bridge.."  I Slurred while tripping and almost falling on my face if Damon hadn't caught me. 

"I don't know why your laughing.. I'm pretty sure you didn't even find that funny.." Damon replied. We arrived back at his house and I was fast asleep. He carried me up the stairs and into Stefans room. He put me on the bed and pulled off my shoes, then put the blankets over me, And Ever so quietly that I couldn't hear him, he whispered, "I love you." 

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