Water park

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Warning, longer part. Also you won't be seeing much of Dana and Terrence in this part mostly just Havan and Luca just so you know.

Havan pov:
This is the first time in years in wearing a bikini but I trust all the people I'm hanging out with. I throw on my swimsuit and toss a baggy old Tshirt over it. There's 5 minutes before I have to leave. I decide to just sit down and watch TikTok before I have to leave. My 5 minute timer rings so I get up and tell my mom we have to go. Once again Dana's parents are at work so I decided to have my mom pick her up. Me and my mom get in the car and start driving to Dana's house. Once we get to her house I text her but she doesn't respond so I get out of the car and knock on her door.

Dana pov:
I'm almost done putting stuff in my hair so it won't get ruined by the chlorine. I finished brushing out my hair and hear a notification from my phone. I don't have time to read it though because I still have to put my swimsuit on. I rushed the closet quickly get changed and then here a knock on the door of my house. I grab a T-shirt and run to the door. Havan told me she would bring some extra clothes for me to change into after we swim so I didn't have to worry about that. I open the door and see Havan. She has a smile on her face I can tell she's excited about this. We get in the car and I thank Mrs Flores for the ride. She just smiles and starts driving. We arrived to the water park parking lot and see the boys standing by the entrance. Havan starts talking to her mom right before we get out saying "I'll text you right when we're done cuz Terrence's and Luca's parents can't give them a ride back" "okay Hava I'll see you in a few hours" Havan steps out of the car and waves her mother goodbye. Me and Havan start walking over to the boys. Once we get over to them, Terrence says hi to me while Luca greets Haven with a hug. Then Terrence and Haven say hi while I greet Luca. After I greet Luca and Havan greets Terrence, Havan and Luca look at each other for about 2 seconds and run off.

Havan pov:
Me and Luca share quick glance and then run off into the water park.

Terrence pov:
I look over to Dana and say "should we follow them or just go around route" "we may as well just let them do whatever their doing and meet up with them later" says Dana. I'm nod my head in agreement.

Luca pov:
After me and Havan run off we decide to chill in the lazy river for a while. We get one of those two person tubes and getting the water. Almost immediately Havn starts complaining about the water temperature. "It's cold in here" she whines and hugs me for warmth. It's actually really cute. I pick her up and put her in the tube. "It's even colder out of the water" she continues her whining. "Aww is the baby whining" did I just say that out loud oh. my. god. Havan doesn't see to care she finds it funny. "Wa wa" she says sounding like a baby "now I'm crying look you did wa wa." We both start laughing it was really funny I get on the tube and she lays her head on my shoulder, still being cold. I hug her and she smiles and wrap her hands around my arms and closes her eyes. I start smiling "Havan your not aloud to sleep on me" I say gently so I don't scare her. "I'm not sleeping I'm relaxing" she mumbles slightly opens her eyes. I smile "yeah well according to the tone of your voice your about to fall asleep." I say. "It's the lazy river let me be lazy" "fine" I say with a large smile on my face she's so cute I think to myself. It's been 10 minutes so I'm going to wake he up. "Havan come on, wake up" I say lightly "why" she says I get an idea " if you don't sit up I'll push you in the water." Slowly, but, surely she sits up " there you go" I say laughing she just swats me with her hand and smiles. I hop of the tube and drag it to a point where she can get out dryly. She then looks at her self and says "we should put our stuff somewhere, it's just sitting there" she says pointing at the entrance of the lazy river. I nod and grab the tube out of the water while she grabs both of our bags. We walk to a wall (AWOL haha) of lockers and grab a key to one and put the bags in there. I start to close it but stops me and takes her shirt off and puts it in the locker she looks amazing. "Luca" she says snapping "my eyes are up here" she says pointing at her face smiling. I blush lightly and look away from her she hugs me and says "I'm just kidding." "You look nice" I mumble into her ear she giggles "thanks" I just nod my head. "What do you want to do now" she asks after a while "I'm still in a mood to relax but you fell a sleep on me" I say she rolls her eyes and says "so" "you want to go to the hot tub" I ask her. She nods her head and we start heading to the hot tub. We get to the hot tub and see Dana asleep on Terrence "I wanted to relax and she passed out on me." Terrence said sounding annoyed. "I wanted to relax to do we went to the lazy river and she passed out on me to" I say pointing at Havan. She rolls her eyes again and steps in the hot tub "I'll take her" Havan says to Terrence. Terrence passes Dana her and she lets Dana lay on her. Havan starts laughing and me and Terrence look at each other. "Dude stop I know your awake" Havan says "I have no idea what your talking about" Dana says you can hear her smile. Havan pushes her under trying not to smile. Dana comes out looking like this 😯 and grabs Havan by the strap of her swim top "dude stop Im not trying to bust my tits out in an hot tub" says Havan laughing and holding her chest area. Dana let's go laughing like a maniac and Havan joins in. "I'm trying to relax" Terrence screeches, that makes them laugh harder. I'm trying not to laugh but he doesn't notice cuz he's focused on the girls he jumps on them and Dana jumps on Havan and hugs her. Havan is laughing super hard I don't get it, neither does Terrence they start shuffling towards something and Dana grabs something from the pool also laughing. It's Havans swim top. Dana hands it to her and they shuffle to a corner still dying of laughter. Havan sits in the corner facing away for everyone and puts her top on and Dana ties it while Havan dances. After her top is tied she looks over to Terrence and says "that's harassment." I start laughing "you think the fact she was harassed is funny" Dana says trying not to smile Havan walks up behind her and looks at me. "I have no idea what your talking about" "I have an idea about what shes talking about" says Havan. "I'm sorry" I say feeling slightly bad. Nobody but Havan notices so she hugs me and whispers, "sorry" and then let's go "so" she says "what do you guys want to do, I mean we're at a water park so theres like slides and stuff" "theres a slide with a 4 person tube, we could do that all together and then split up into 2 groups for the rest of the slides." Says Dana. "Sure but who would be in the groups" I ask "maybe the people we started off with" says Terrence. "I don't see why not" says Havan "ok let's go then" says Dana and we all get out of the hot tub.

Time skip to after the slide

Havan pov:
After we go down the MASSIVE water slide, Dana says "we'll split up in a second I need to talk to Havan" then she pulls me to the side (slanted font Havan bold font Dana) and says so after shooting today I may or may not have went to the director and made you and Luca have to be the ones who kiss but don't tell Luca. Why the heck would you do that because it's so obvious you 2 like each other I'm just giving you little push in the right direction. Dana I'm happy with the way things are between us. Well he won't think anything of it he'll just think it was for the show. Whatever but I'm mad at you for the rest of the time we're here. I walk away.

Dana pov:
Am I upset that havan is mad at me, not really I sort of expected it. Besides we're only going to be here for like an hour more. I walk back to where the boys were, and see Havan and Luca no longer there. Also expected. I walk over to Terrence we exchange a glance and head off some random direction hoping to find something fun.

Luca pov:
Havan comes back looking up sort of upset. Once she arrives I asked her "what was that about are you okay" "yeah I'm fine don't worry about it let's just go." She sounds angry but I don't want to push her about it.

Time skip to them leaving cuz I'm lazy and this part was supposed to be out a long time ago. So like sorry about that.

Havan pov:
We all meet back up by the lockers and grab out stuff. I text my mom letting her know we're ready to be picked up. Me and Dana head to the woman's restroom and Luca and Terrence to the mens restroom. I give Dana the clothes I brought for her and we head into our stalls. I walk out of my stall to see Dana by the restroom sinks. She takes a deep breath and says "I'm sorry" and just walks out with her head down. Now I feel bad. I walk out to see her no where to be seen "where's Dana" I ask. "She just walked by she said she'd walk home" said Terrence I run to the exit. I see Dana outside and run towards her not caring about Terrence and Luca telling me to "wait up" and "slow down." Once I get to her I hug her out of breath "theres no reason for you to apologize" I stop to breathe "you were just trying to help me I'm sorry." We stand there and hug for a while until the boys finally show up. "Your mom's here" says Luca me and Dana let go of each other "ok let's go."

I forgot to mention their all staying the night at Havans house for 3 days because her parents are going on a vacation without her.

Still Havan pov:
We all enter the car. I'm up front with my mom, Luca was behind me and Terrence was behind my mom, and Dana was between both of them. We arrive to my house and get out of the car. My mom gets out and hugs me my dad walks out and hugs me also. "Have fun I love you guys" I say "love you too Hava" they both say as my dad packs the trunk with their bags. He hops in the passenger seat and they drive off. We all enter my house and see that Dana Luca and Terrence's parents dropped off their stuff.

Sorry this chapter took so long for me to get out I've been really busy and my birthday is coming up the 20th of this month.

Word count: 2079

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