A Good Leader Should Be Feared.

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"Are you almost ready?" Namjoon asked Taehyung from the doorway of the bedroom. Taehyung was a bit late on packing up for their trip and their flight was leaving soon.

"Hyung I don't know which shoes to bring!" Taehyung asked in a panic. He knew they were short for time.

"You don't even like shoes Taehyung just bring your slides or something!" Namjoon yelled back. Taehyung nodded, "Good idea!" He threw a few pairs of slides into his suitcase and was ready to go. The members said goodbye to them as they were headed out the door.

"Bye!! Have fun!" Hobi yelled as he hugged them.

"But not too much fun without us!" Jungkook chuckled.

"We'll try not to," Taehyung laughed. The leader and second maknae were soon out the door. Namjoon had been invited to a conference for leaders in a small city at the bottom of the country, and Taehyung had begged to come along. Taehyung had free time from his own solo schedule and thought it would be cool to go on a little trip with his hyung. He greatly admired his leader and also thought he could learn some cool stuff at the conference. They got to the airport and made their flight just in time. The company that had invited Namjoon to the conference offered a private jet so it was just them on board. The two talked and played games together, took naps, and ate. Thankfully it wasn't a long flight. It was only 3 hours. They were used to much longer. When they arrived at the airport Taehyung started running around enjoying the fresh air. It was a lot different here than in Seoul. He could smell the oceans coast and the scenery was beautiful, tall green mountains were everywhere.

"We should move here," Taehyung suggested.

"That would be a long commute to work," Namjoon laughed. They started heading to the vehicle that was there to pick them up but Taehyung was getting a bit sidetracked by everything around him.

"Taehyung lets go," Namjoon whined.

"Taehyung I said let's go."

"TAEHYUNG!" Namjoon finally yelled impatiently. Taehyung finally realized Namjoon was calling him and ran over, "Sorry hyungie! It's just so pretty here!"

"Yeah well, you've already almost made us late once. Get a grip," Namjoon smiled. He wasn't actually mad or anything, just slightly annoyed. He kind of expected it with Taehyung though. His dongsaeng wasn't always the best behaved on trips. He was just glad Jungkook or Jimin wasn't with them or else he'd really have his hands full. None of the others cared to go on the trip with them as they all had their own things to do.

They arrived at the hotel they'd be staying at. They were both amazed by how huge it was. The lobby had chandeliers hanging from the ceilings and everything. 

"Woooooow hyung! This is where you were invited to? You're a total star!" Taehyung smiled. That made Namjoon blush, "Aish, I wouldn't say that."

"Well I would!" Taehyung grabbed Namjoon's hand and started dragging him, "Let's see what our room looks like!" They made it to their room and once again Taehyung acted amazed. Namjoon knew Taehyung was acting a bit overdramatic, it's not like the band hadn't stayed in places like this before. Taehyung just liked extra attention sometimes. They had the rest of that day off so they spent it going out shopping and trying some different restaurants.

"I'm glad you came with me," Namjoon mentioned, "I would have been lonely otherwise."

"Of course, hyung."

That night the two made a fort with the bed sheets and ordered room service. They ate a bunch of noodles while watching a movie together. Namjoon was ready to call it a night when he noticed Taehyung had already fallen asleep on the floor curled up in the blankets. He decided to just leave him there, he thought it was cute.

A Good Leader Should Be Feared [TaeJoon Hurtfic]Where stories live. Discover now