🐞Chapher 2🐞

693 26 4

I went back to the past, I have to think about every move I'm going to make, in the movies 9 The only thing left to think about is Adrien.....

<Mi ex amigo de la infancia , por la edad que tengo se supone que aun no he conocido a sabrina , ni a marinnette , ni a mis compañeros con los que mas repeti curso , al unico que conozco es a adrien >

<No quiero lastimarme mas ni a el, trate de ofrecerle mi ayuda cuando pude , cuando descubrio o de su padre....

Lo mejor sera alejarme de adrien se que tendra nuevos amigos estara mejor con ellos que conmigo>

Suddenly someone knocked on the door

-Miss Burgeois, your father wants to see you

-!!! he is... my butler jean pascal (well xD that's what he calls choe although I don't think that's even his name but let's continue)

<Recuerdo que fue explulsado por mi madre no debi permitiro e me acompaño trabajo y me acompaño por años esta vez no dejare que se valla>

-Of course for a second I have to take her to hugs The little blonde girl grabbed her yellow teddy bear to carry it in her arms

-Okay, I'm here, let's go Chloe decided to shake hands with her butler, which surprised him

- Miss bourgeois, is there a problem?

- Nope<Solo lo extrañe > The butler and the girl went to the ground floor of the hotel, while the mayor waited for them with a limousine


-Miss!!! Don't run, wait The blonde girl had run to hug her father -My princess

-Where are you going (Maybe I'm going to work)

-No princess, I'm going to give an interview on the news, you're ready, you'll go with me What! Isn't it that time that I appear on public television to present myself as the daughter of the mayor and queen of Paris, oh no, shame, this time it won't happen, I'll just go, I'll sit in a corner with little hugs

- Of course, daddy, I'm here, let's go! Exclaimed the blonde with energy The bourgeois mayor and the little bourgeois together with the young reporter with dark pink hair to start the interview

<Vaya este lugar es grande lo que recordaba se ve que es muy grande>
The reporter began to invite them in

- Well, Mr. bourgeois, please sit here, we'll start -Of course, Princess, wait for me here

-Of course, I'm not going to move from here, it'll be better if my image wasn't bad

- Well, Mr. bourgeois, we'll start, and your daughter?

- He's over there waiting for me, why do you ask?

-Because we need her, she will still come out in the interview, we need an image of a family man WHAT!? that didn't happen I remember they started until I ran in front of the camera to interrupt and say I was the mayor's daughter and make a big fuss what changed? Should I go?

Maybe that has to happen, I have to introduce myself

-Miss, please come in

- I point to the pink-haired girl so that she can sit down -Well- Chloe went slowly because of her nervousness hugging her bear - Well three seconds 3 2 1 we are on the air The pink

-haired girl started doing questions while the girl was thoughtful throughout the interview until she asked about the blonde girl - And how old is your daughter?

- 6 years - answered the blonde with a smile The blonde decided to stand up to introduce herself Well if I have to follow the original line so be it, here we go ...

- I'm Chloe Bougeois Daughter of the mayor of Paris, only daughter and the princess of Paris is not the queen of Paris, I'm 6 years old I like sweet things Soon I will be 7 years old and I will have a party where everyone is invited I would be honored if you come to my hotel --Exclaimed the blonde energetically with a smile and with her hands on her waist--

- Oh of course, chloe, congratulations on your birthday

- Thank you, Nadia, I liked coming to your interview, it's a pleasure that all of Paris chose my father

- Wow, Chloe, you're interested in politics -

Sure, I find it interesting

- Wow, you seem like such a mature girl

- I don't look like it, I want to make my father proud The mayor was happy to hear his daughter's words In a house in Paris, while a nipa with blue hair and pigtails was watching TV, she saw something that caught her attention

-Mom look!, Haran a party at the hotel i want to go to great paris - Exclako the blue-haired girl

- No marinnette I'm sure they won't let you in...

- No, the mayor's daughter invited everyone she said now

- Marinnette I don't think it's a good idea

- Please, she said that there would be candy

- I'll talk to your father

- Yes!

- The blue-haired girl jumped, she knew they would let her go... After the interview was over, the mayor headed home

- Princess, because you invited everyone to your party, you didn't want something simple

- I thought better of it and decided it would be something moderate, Besides, since I can have something simple, it will be better this way because my father would suspect that

I have changed drastically

- Well, I'm glad you want to invite everyone

- Yes, by the way, dad, what will there be for dessert for lunch Pudding? Cakes or...

- The mayor started to laugh

- Apparently my princess has become very greedy Chloe pouted at her father's comment

- Don't laugh, we have the best pastry chefs in paris everything we

- And to think that before you didn't even want to see a dessert

- Dad! Don't laugh, you didn't even listen to me

- Well we're here Chloe got out of the car quickly opening the door by herself and jumping over the top of the car

-Chloe don't get out like that!, they didn't even open the door for you

- I don't need it I can get down alone, Besides, the dessert will not be eaten alone.

Chloe ran to enter her hotel but stopped when she saw a blond boy

- Chloe, daughter, don't run like that, I was afraid you would get hurt, look, it's your friend Adrien... What is he doing here?

He never came to visit me, I always looked for him to accompany him since he was always alone...

The blond boy ran to Chloe with a smile

- Chloe, I'm glad to see you, I came to see how you've been

- The boy expressed with a smile It's Adrien but what is he doing here

  Hello dear people I wanted to comment that the chapters will come out every week depends if I have time the next chapter will come out in a week T.......T
the good thing is that I will give you a spoiler

Felix will appear :3

The Tale of chloe bourgeois (lukloe/adriloe/nathloe/feliloe) Where stories live. Discover now