Sacred -chapter 3-

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She flipped the pages of her book, but her eyes wandered elsewhere. Draped in her blanket, on her warm comfortable bed, Ayesha held her favourite book in her hands while her mind drifted into a deep sea of thoughts.

She thought about the man she met a few days ago while she was on her way back home from the masjid. That was the closest encounter she had to a guy other than her relatives. It was always quick exchanges, usually about school or any work related issues. 

Being the daughter of an esteemed religious figure, her parents ensured a strict upbringing for Ayesha. She didn't hate it one bit. To others it seemed suffocating, but to Ayesha it was an excellent help for her, growing up, and she found freedom in many other things. She felt like she led a normal and happy life just like anyone else.

The sermon a few days ago was about how an ideal muslim goes out of their way to help others. A story of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) was told, whereby there was once a blind Jewish beggar who would hurl insults at the Prophet, but without fail, the Prophet would approach him and feed him his daily meals. When the Prophet passed on, the task was handed over to Abu Bakr (r.a). The beggar instantly felt the difference, realising that the previous person who had fed him was much more gentle. Upon asking, he found out that the Prophet Muhammad, whom he hated so much, was the person who fed him. He instantly accepted Islam after much remorse.

Upon hearing the story, Ayesha was instantly inspired to spread the act of kindness more often. That was what led to her encounter with the man that has been occupying her thoughts. It was a simple act of kindness, to provide shelter for him when he was caught in a stormy rain which caused him to injure himself. But when he wanted to return her favour at the coffee shop, Ayesha started to feel a little warm and fuzzy amidst the cold stormy rain. It wasn't his slightly messed up sleek ash brown hair or his sharp jawline that girls would typically giggle over. It was his manners, how thoughtful he was and his cute reaction when he realised he had lost the money that was meant to pay for the treat. But as Ayesha helped to carry their order to the table, she snapped back to her senses and realised that while it was perfectly normal for a young lady to feel this way, getting carried away was not an option for her. She grabbed a serviette and wrote a thank you note, and swiftly left with her cup of hot mocha latte.

Despite all her efforts, she could hardly forget him. He lingers in her thoughts so frequently. Their encounter could be lifted right out of a romantic novel and their small interaction left her flustered. It wasn't just because it was her first time caught in that type of situation, it was just him. The way he behaved was unforgettable. She would have loved to have gotten to know him better, but, he was not the type of man she could marry.

"Ayesha, can I come in my dear?" her father's gentle voice interrupted her train of thoughts.

She nodded while quickly adjusting to sit upright. Her father walked towards her and sat on the edge of her bed. His hand reached out to her and began to caress her forehead.

"Ayesha my dear, Hassan's family has arranged to meet you this weekend. If all goes well, an engagement would be carried out on the same day" her father informed her before smiling widely. 

He was delighted that his daughter was going to be married soon and that too, to his favourite student, whom he strongly believes has the ability to guide and care for his only daughter.

Ayesha forced a smile and looked down upon her blanket. Her index finger began to repeatedly trace the floral patterns on it.

Her father sensed that something was amiss. He lifted her chin and looked at her with deep concern in his eyes. She quickly embraced her father in a hug and began to cry.

"Baba, don't get me wrong, I am more than willing to have my marriage arranged and I'm delighted but what if Hassan is not the one? I'm so afraid because a marriage is for a lifetime" Ayesha voiced out amidst her cries.

"By Allah, my dear Ayesha, if something is not meant for you, no matter how well everything is going, it will never reach you. And if something is meant for you, no matter how impossible it seems, it will make its way to you,"her father gently whispered to her.

It was hard for Ayesha, that for the first time she had met someone she had feelings for but at the same time she was going to belong to someone else. However, Ayesha knew where to place her trust. She placed it in someone who knew what's best for her. She placed her trust in her creator.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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