Chapter One: The Stand Outs and Stand Ups

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A cacophony of competitive sounds echoed throughout the massive indoor arena as tumblers, ribbon twirlers, beam balancers, and uneven bar flyers mixed and mingled and competed around the four walls like a well-oiled machine.

Music blasted.

Legs pounded.

Mats shifted.

Colors flew.

Bodies arched and twisted.

Two feet appeared out of the air to break the sunbeams and landed on two more waiting shoulders, completing the routine to send the trio off to the next round of competition.

Well... that was the plan, at least.

Instead, those two feet slipped and tumbled and crashed on top of the other girls attached to those shoulders sending that same trio to the floor mat.




Off to the side galley, a frustrated, weaselly sigh cut through the crowd.

"Miss Roberts, might I remind you that you and your team will not pass through to the next Divisional Round unless you are able to land this routine accurately?"

"Oh, she's accurate alright... accurately missing it..."

Barbie's agitated face soured in the direction of Patricia's quiet but audible snide remark. She sighed to herself and stood, wiping off invisible dust.

"I'm sorry... I know..."

Her coach turned and walked away with her clipboard to see her other students in their routines, hoping for better news.

Renee stood up with a grunt, "Girl, what's going on? You used to be so good at that routine."

The brunette, Teresa, also voiced her concerns, "Yeah, something on your mind lately, B? That's like the fifth time you've missed the mark this week", she opened her palm to show the correct number of fingers with the count.

"Six...", Barbie corrected and scratched her arm nervously. "I... I don't know... I just don't want to fail you guys, so..."

"You're overthinking", Renee reminded her with a smile. "Don't think about it... just do it!"

"I know... I know...", Barbie sighed, then listened to the coach's whistle to signal the end of the crowd's practice, "Come on, let's get ready to go."


Outside the gymnasium, the three girls exited the building in their summertime street clothes. Once the brilliant sun hit their eyes, they looked around for something in particular to take them home.

Or rather someone.

Barbie's eyes lit up when she saw their quarry.

"Hey Ken!"

The blonde surfer boy stood up from his relaxed position against his Jeep. He waved heavily and smiled even wider.

"Hey Barbie! Hey girls! How did it go today? Did you do it? Are you guys moving on to the next round?"

Barbie's smile and eyes downturned instantly, causing Ken to immediately know what was up, "Aww... really? I'm sorry..."

It was amazing that she didn't even need to say anything... Ken always knew what was up with her.

They've been best friends since she moved in next door to him at 7 ½ years old. And now, at the official completion of their sophomore year of high school with the newly added ability and freedom to drive wherever they wanted to go, their friendship has never been stronger.

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