Chapter Eleven: The End is just the Beginning

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After a few more minutes, Ken coasted the fishing boat back into the marina, and what happened next was pretty much everything Barbie was expecting to happen...

An angry group of people were standing by the marina on the docks shouting as the boat pulled in.

"You stole my boat!!"

"What are you doing with our boat!?"

"You have a lot of explaining to do!!"

While the teens jumped off the boat, they saw two other police officers waiting beside the three other adults who were clearly furious at the sight of their boat racing weird solo stunts in the middle of the bay.

When the first officer approached, Barbie held up her hands, "Wait! You have to listen!", she gestured behind her to the incapacitated Cullen, "He attacked us!"

Ken joined in as he made his way down to the lower galley deck, "It's true! His gun is around here somewhere. He nearly killed us. We had to get on the boat. We had no other choice"

That was NO lie!

Barbie pleaded with the irate family, "We couldn't think of anything else to do but take him out to the ocean so he wouldn't escape in town. We're sorry"

The officers had a hard time believing that, "You mean to tell me that Officer Cullen Stevenson captured you onto the boat and tried to kill you both?!"

Barbie nodded and sighed, "He did try to kill us, yes. That is absolutely true"

"I can vouch for them!"

A surprisingly welcome voice piped up from behind the crowd. When everyone turned to look who shouted up, Barbie and Ken's eyes widened in complete shocked happiness.


Derek Pratt walked forward and saluted to the teen duo, "Nice to see you two are still standing"

"And you!", Ken gestured to the supposed ghost.

Barbie frowned and shook her head in disbelief, "Cullen told us that he killed you! But you're here... I don't—"

Pratt laughed and shrugged, then winced at the movement, "He tried to. But he didn't consider my bullet proof vest". He then turned to the other officers, "I can testify to his actions and their story. Believe me when I tell you that what they're saying is true"

"Plus, we have proof of illegal trades with weapons and drug dealers on an international level", Barbie added, holding up a small rectangular chip.

The officers were floored. Their blankly incredulous stares were shaken when one of the family members who owned the boat spoke up.

"Sooooo... are we NOT going to arrest these two for taking our boat?"


Needless to say, Barbie and Ken were not arrested. The Santa Catalina Police Department was gifted a recording of all of Cullen's confession from during his attack on Barbie on the boat. However, the soundbites may or may not have been tampered with from a certain glasses-wearing brunette techno whiz from afar as he digitally removed any semblance that would give away the blonde girl's involvement in I3. The recording he set up went straight to Barbie's wrist, so it was easy enough to hand it over once his worked his wireless wonders.

It was foolproof... and successful.

Cullen woke up to discover he was in a holding cell awaiting arraignment with the low-life low-level pickpockets and car jackers he helped put in there.

He wasn't too happy, to say the least.

Before long, he was whisked away to the mainland USA and thrust into the hands of the FBI where he was eventually tried, convicted, and sentenced to 40 years on illegal bank accounts, weaponry development, international drug trades, and several counts of attempted murder with no chance of parole.

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