get along

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Me, my brother, my mom and my sister were at mr Joo apartment eating dinner with them.

"Mostly I hope you all get along" Mr Joo finishes his sentence. Seok-kyung was glaring at my mom and sister. Not eating.

"Why wouldn't we" Eunbyeol asked "will we be living in the penthouse too?" She asked.

"I love this place" seok twins looked angry. "Don't you two have anything to say?" Mr Joo asked his kids. "No I dont" Seok-hoon said.

Seok-kyung got up "excuse me" but her father disagreed "sit back down were not finished yet" he said calmly "don't you know I get an upset stomach if I eat with someone I hate" she walked away even though her father kept calling her name.

"Eat up the steak turned out amazing" my mom changed the subject.


We were still at Seok twins house and when mom got back she told us to turn on the news we all watched in shocked.

"Breaking news the real murderer of Hera palace was revealed, the murderer Yang was the maid who worked for the victim she had been stalking chairman Joo the victims husband and had a deep grudge against her regarding her pay.this was revealed after oh Yoon her who had been in the run for a year after being accused of the murder turned herself in"

The news hit Seok-kyung the hardest since she was close to Ms Yang. Mr Joo came back "what happened?" My mom asked worried.

"Is it true?" Seok-kyung asked angerily. "Did Ms yang really kill our mom?"

He didn't say anything, he went upstairs leaving a crying Seok-kyung. My mom followed him and I tried my best to comfort Seok-kyung.


It was time for our parents engagement party, I couldn't sit by seok twins cause I had to sit by Eunbyeol on my mom's side.

I hated it Mr Joo is a horrible person and my mom doesn't knew, I don't mind being siblings with seok twins and they don't mind me but Eunbyeol and them hates it to death.

My mom and Mr Joo came out everyone was clapping Mr Ma and Eunbyeol was singing it was a happy day for them.

I watch them in disappointment as they walk to the front. Then Mr Joo walked to me, my brother and Eunbyeol and gave us a hug, Eunbyeol congratulated him but I just gave him a quick smile.

My mom was hugging Seok-kyung and Seok-hoon, Seok-kyung looked full with anger while Seok-hoon looked bored.

They were just about to cut the cake when a helicopter came over us making everything fly up in the sky.

Junghwan was holding on to me from all the flying objects, everyone fell over it looked very funny but tragic. And Seok-hoon was holding onto Seok-kyung while Mr Ma fell over not helping Eunbyeol.

When the helicopter landed we all got up to see who it was, the venue was all messed up.

A couple walked out of the helicopter and walked towards us. "Well how have you all been?" It was my dad voice. He took off his glasses and looked at the venue "are you guys in the middle of something?" He asked

"Why do you all look so surprised?" He chuckled.

Then the lady walked up to him "oh I'd like to intro my wife, Oh Yoon Hee."

Shocker. Everyone was shocked "it's been a while" she greeted. "Congratulations on your engagement, Seojin." Jenny mom shouted "your wife? Did I hear it wrong?"

"Are you saying you two got married?" Minhyeok mom asked. "So Dr Ha you're saying that your wife is oh Yoon hee" Minhyeok dad making sure "you two?!" He laughed.

"How can you get involved with her out of all the people" Minhyeok mom commented. " Exactly out of all women why possible murderer" Jenny mom replied.

"Mrs Kang I see you talk as much as always" my dad said calmly "it's important to question something that the law has already concluded." 

"But what about Rona did she come too?" Jenny mom asked non stop talking they didn't answer.

"Nice dress it looks good on you" oh Yoon hee complimented. "I don't remember inviting you to my engagement party" my mom said

"Don't get the wrong idea we had some business at the hotel that's all" bae Rona mom asked.

"Still it nice to see you Dr Ha I almost didn't recognize you" Minhyeok father said. "Didn't you say you were conducting some research in the US?"

"Well being a doctor wasn't the right fit for me so I started a small business" my dad answered "a business? That's even a worse fit" Minhyeok dad laughed.

"Congrats, Eunbyeol, Jung twins you have a stepmom too a super famous one from the news" Eunbyeol got mad but I didn't care Seok-kyung said it was a joke.

Eunbyeol freaked out and knocked down the cake and ran away. My mom was screaming for her but she didn't come back.

Well Seok-kyung grabbed a glass of wine and poured it all on bae Rona mom. "Murderer how dare you show your face here?" I helped Seok-kyung back from doing anything else.

"Hey did you kill her why?!" Seok-kyung screamed "I was sad because everyone seemed to have forgotten all about Su Ryeon" she answers calmly.

Seok-kyung continued to scream about her and everyone else was gossiping about what just happened.

"Aish what's with their problem?" Minhyeok said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah same" Seok-hoon said moving him so Minhyeok arm isn't on my shoulder than more, so now Seok-hoon was resting his arm on my shoulder.

"Yeah I wonder why they came all the sudden" I hear Junghwan say moving Seok-hoon so now Junghwan is beside me.

Seok-kyung noticed and moved me to her other side and put her arm over my shoulder now.

It was Minhyeok who looked shocked at Seok-hoon for doing that now Seok-hoon looked shocked at junghwan for doing that, now it was Junghwan turn to be shocked at her action.

But Seok-kyung still looked pissed off.


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