chapter 1-°Yuichi story°

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Deep in the withering forest appeared a small cozy cottage.There lived a small little girl who's the one that take care of the abandoned withering forest.The little girl picked up the weed basket and starting her normal everyday routine,watering the plants,grooming the animals in the forest, plucking the full grown berries and etc.

"Fyuh,what a nice day it is.I have a feeling something good will happend today!"the girl said with a beeming smile.

But her beeming smile later turn into a sad expression and she began to say,"well atleast that what i hope it will be..and not be just like everyday."

Late,she check on her to do list and more depressed expression were shown on her face. "Buy ingredients from the markets in the village.."she muttered.

The little girl that took her light brown hood and wear it,puts on her fox mask on her face,puts on a pair of leather boots and sighed.

She walked out of the small cottage and raising her hand on her face as the sunlight hit her face.'Don't be scared,don't be sad,don't be nervous.It's always happend so don't be such a scaredy cat.'she thought to her self as she slap both of her cheeks.

She began to walk her way to the nearest village called the pearl lake village.

After she arrived at the village, she felt her heart almost stopped and numb.As her right foot step inside the village,she felt so nervous and afraid of the sight of the village but she braced herself to go in.

When she finally at the markets, all of the villagers looked at her with disgusted and dissapointment.All the kids in the village then started throwing tomatoes at her.

"Get out of the village!You villain daughter."

"Ew,look at her face.She all messy now.Ahahahhaah!"

"What are you doing here,villain?!"

"Why does she ever existed?.."

All the words they said were stuck on her heart.She knew she's the daughter of the traitor that lures the dark knight into attacking the village.She knew her parents is bad,villain,traitor,monster but it was all not her fault!she didnt do anything wrong but all of them treated her as the newborn deadly monster.

She wanted to cry but she hold it in,if she doesnt want to be the weakest one here.Both of her parent are now gone and she has been living by herself this all time.She knew what hardship is more that anyone else.

She doesnt want to be weak like all of the pathetic villagers here.She wanted to survived and live on her own with peace.She doesnt want any "knight in shining armour" to save her. She doenst want to be the weak naive princess that need to be carried everytime.She doesnt want to be the villain nor a hero.

She want to be her own person and choose her own path of life.

She ignored all of the painfull insult the villagers said to her and goes to one of the markets stall.

"Fhuh,what an unlucky day,the villains daughter xame to my stall.Well little kid,i'll give you a deal.The three carrots,two pound of sugar and salt,two fishes will be 40 bronze coin."the seller said with the what called a "scam face".

'Tch,what a scam just for the villain daughter.A carrot is 2 bronze coin,if its three it will be 6 bronze coin.Two pound of sugar and salt would be 10 bronze coin and two fishes will be 9 bronze coin.All of it add up will be 25 bronze coin.In my opinion,you're the villain here "mister scammer".

"Im sorry mister but i wont be taking that scam."She said with a blank face.
"Little girl,do you think i would scam you?"he said with annoyed tone."yes,100% sure."she said with a "innocent face".At that moment,the seller is already triggered at her comment and was about to punch her but she stopped his hand from punching and started cracking his finger little by little."Arrggghhhhhh!!!"The seller screamed in pain.She later stop because she thought it's a waste of strength.

"Oops,sorry mister but you're the one that tried to punch me earlier and to think a grown man would be defeated by a 10 year old little girl.You're a dissapointment of the mankind."she snickered while saying the last sentences

She then brought her stuff and began to walk away.After she left the village,she felt her heart almost stopped and nervousness grow within her more.

'Ugh,why did i do that!?I should have just been quiet.Why did i try to be cool and collective while i feel like i was about to die." She screamed mentally while punching the air.

"Well, atleast i avoided being scam by that dude."she sighed and began to walk to her small cottage.

After she arrived,she was greeted by all the animal in the forest,from a cute fluffy bunny to a furious scary tiger.This is all the animal she saved and take care when she was young to her current self.

'Who need animal friend when you could have animals friend!'she thought to her self with a relieved face.

In this forest,she's the only human that could get along with the animals and plants here.

Little did she knew,that behind a big grown tree appeared a figured with a bright red hair with a  injured body resting under it.

O*~to be continued ~*O

So sorry if the story and the grammar sucks.This is the first book i've wrote.Im still in elementary school and school have been keeping me busy so the update will be slow but i'll try to updated as fast as i could!Ganbare massu~~°
{Words: 976}

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