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W: Burn injuries, Extinction talk, Racism, Mental breakdown

Licorice woke up with a grueling headache. He was about to climb out of bed when he noticed the window was boarded up and iron chains on his wrists. He feels them burning his flesh, as he tries to put his sleeves in between them so they won't burn as much. After he was done, he looks around for his scythe. No luck. He thinks back on how this happened. Dark Choco. He was right. He shouldn't trust him. He left the team when they were in the middle of the mission. He made Poison Mushroom cry. And finally he brought him to his master. He thought about what they would do to him. Would they torture him? Would Dark Cacao make him Dark Choco's personal pet?

As Licorice shudders at the thought of either of those; he heard the door open. Not to his surprise Dark Choco and Dark Cacao came in. Licorice glares at both of them as they sat next to the bed across from each other. He mentally prepared himself for any kind of torture when the king ask. "Did anyone told you how powerful you are?" Licorice blinks. "W-What?" "Well you did command the Licorice Seas like some type of god or deity. Hell, some of my soldiers and subjects thought that you are a god" Dark Cacao explains. Licorice scoffs. Dark Enchantress warned him of this. "If you're going to get me to join you by mere compliments, than you're out of luck. I was trained to have a steel mind."

Dark Cacao hummed. "I guess he is brainwashed, Dark Choco." Licorice gave Dark Choco a death glare. "What other nonsense Dark Choco has told him about?" Licorice thought. "Where the others?" Dark Cacao asked. "That's rich. First complimenting me, then ask me to betrayed my team? You're dumber than you look-" Licorice laughs. "No, I meant the other members of the Licorice Tribe." Dark Cacao cuts him off to explain again. Licorice blinks. "What do you mean?" Dark Cacao tilted his head. "The Licorice Tribe went extinct years ago. Before Dark Choco was even born." He explains further.

Licorice couldn't believe his ears. No. Dark Cacao is lying. Last time he saw his Tribe, they went on a boat, but left him behind. Dark Cacao opens a history book. "The Licorice Tribe vanished into the seas with a lily symbol on the back of their sign." Licorice doesn't want to hear anymore. If he was free he would jump at Dark Cacao and scratch his face off. Even if it means getting killed by Dark Choco. Still what if the king wasn't? Licorice was so shock that he didn't notice that he was crying. "It was already a shabby town to begin with, but now it is in ruins?" He thought.

"Hello? Earth to Licorice." Dark Choco said. Licorice looks up and saw Dark Choco holding a bowl of mushroom stew. "I made it myself." Dark Choco said. Dark Cacao lock the door before releasing Licorice from his chains. Licorice rubs his wrists as Dark Choco sets up a small table. Licorice hesitated to eat to which Dark Choco noticed. "I didn't poison it." He commented as he took a spoon then eats some of it. Licorice looks at him before eating. The stew..it taste familiar.. "Did you follow my recipe?" Licorice asked. Dark Choco blushed in embarrassment. "I may have been watching you cook it for Poison Mushroom."

Licorice frowned. He haven't thought about them. He wonders how they're doing. "Is the child yours?" Dark Cacao asked. Licorice look up at the king. "No? Yes? I don't know, Dark Enchantress told me to watch over them when I was 15 and they were 3." Dark Cacao hums. "So you were a teen father." He commented. Licorice shook his head. "No I'm not. I'm their teacher that has to raise them." Dark Cacao frowns. Dark Cacao sighs and got up. "I love to stay and talk some more, but I have to go a meeting. Dark Choco, can you watch the kingdom and Licorice?" Dark Choco nodded. "Of course, father." With that Dark Cacao unlocked the door and left the room. Leaving the former comrades alone.

Dark Choco and Licorice look at each other. "Licorice, listen I-" "Don't say anything." Licorice cuts him off. Still upset about the betrayal. Dark Choco scratched his head. "Father told me that I should give you a tour of the kingdom. If you want to." He commented. Licorice sigh and wonders. Did Dark Choco told his master? Licorice unveils his hood, revealing his ram horns and downward pointed ears. "Did you told him?" He asked. Dark Choco shook his head. "No. But he's going to find out aways." Licorice agrees. Dark Choco chuckle. Licorice's first time hearing him laugh. "They would've find out if you didn't ran off like that." Licorice groans. "I'm ready to see your kingdom." Dark Choco blinks. "I promise that you'll love it." He responded. Licorice rolls his eye and puts his hood over his head.

Dark Choco showed Licorice everything the kingdom has to offer. From the stables to the ships. Even the training field. But none could not make Licorice not want to return to Dark Enchantress. And it doesn't help that some priests and some followers who thought Licorice is a god made him uncomfortable. Resulting in him hiding in Dark Choco's cloak. Dark Choco had to convince them to leave Licorice alone. Finally they headed to the bar for lunch. Dark Choco got himself a traditional meal while he ordered Licorice a vegetarian soft meal. Meanwhile Licorice was trying to avoid the dirty looks. "Look, Skim Milk." A father commented. "The last Licorice cookie." He looks at the child who made him an awed expression. "You should give the kid an autograph." Dark Choco commented. Licorice sighs and grabs a pen and paper. After giving the child the signature he went back to moping.

This is not what he wants to be seen as. "Woah, your highness. Where did you found this exotic pet?" A warrior asked in a mocking way. " Licorice looks up. As expected the warrior was ruffed and dirtied from the fight earlier. The warrior noticed what Dark Choco ordered for him. "Trying to keep him fit, ay?" He commented. "Actually his stomach can't handle meat or hard food." Dark Choco reply. Licorice doesn't know why, but he felt that he needs to avoid him. The warrior sat beside him. He tries to avoid the man by thinking about how to escape. He'll give the kingdom credit. They aren't fools, he knows that they have put high security on him. He thought about Bat-Cat and Choco Werehound Brute. What are they going to do without him? He can't believe that he admitting this, but he misses them.

"Aw, what's wrong? Crying because you got caught?" The man asked. "No.." Licorice answered. "Oh, so it can talk." The man replied. Licorice said nothing and grabbed a piece of paper, then started drawing Bat-Cat and Choco Werehound Brute. With words saying. "I'll be home soon." Just then the warrior grabbed the paper. "Hm, and I thought savages like you don't have a heart." He said. Licorice pulls his hood over his face more. "I didn't think that you can even draw something like that." The warrior continued. Licorice really did try to ignore the warrior, but the man makes it more difficult. Finally he had enough and slapped him across the face.

The whole bar froze. Everyone staring at him. Licorice decided that he had enough and walk out. Once out he sat a nearby bench and buries his face. A couple of minutes later Dark Choco walked out with some to-go boxes. "Hey." He said in a soft voice. Licorice looks away. "I brought you some food." Dark Choco continued as he sat besides him. "I've lost my appetite." Licorice reply. Dark Choco sighs. "I think you might have overreact a bit." He said. Licorice looks at him in utter betrayal. "Overreact?" Licorice asked in an angry tone. "Alright, maybe you're in the right for this one." He reply in a pain filled voice. Licorice buried his face. "Can we go back to the room?" He asked.

Dark Choco nodded. He let Licorice hide in his cape and they walk back to the castle. When they are at the room, Dark Choco gave Licorice his lunch before locking the door. Licorice sat the meal aside and planted himself down on the bed. He didn't expect a mental breakdown. He wished that he had brought his diary. Then again, they would take it away in case it has spells. He would've ripped the blankets and pillows, but they might the only ones that he'll get. All he could do is wait it out.

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