Applications are CLOSED

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[THANK YOU to everyone who submitted their interest to join the Writers Relay collab. We truly appreciate your interest.]

This is the moment we have all been waiting for. You can now apply for a spot on the Writer's Relay team. Participants are guaranteed a whole lot of fun and interaction with other Wattpad writers.

To apply, please fill in this application form

Don't forget the link to an example story on Wattpad. We want you to send us one of your polished gems.

The Writer's Relay team will process the incoming applications and send out invitations to the selected authors on August 18th.

This application window will close August 14th.

Please don't wait too long to submit your application. We will need time to evaluate your example work properly. If you have questions on the application process, don't hesitate to ask them in the comments section of this chapter. You're also welcome to spread the good news and tell the world that you have applied.

We are looking forward to his next phase of the project,

Your Writing Relay Team

Writer's Relay - A Writing CollabWhere stories live. Discover now