Chapter 9

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We walked back to the school and Jack kissed me goodnight. That's when the intercoms boomed "we have a missing student her name is Ariel red please tell someone if you find her!" I looked at Jack with horrified eyes.

Elsa: oh no! I have to find her!

I rushed out of the school and knew where she was.......the cliff.

Jack was following closely behind me and jumped on his motorcycle. Ready to follow me. I jumped on mine and we both went down the road.

When we reached the forest I saw a trail of blood through the trees. I threw my bike down and followed it. It led to the cliff with Ariel on it.

Ariel: Haha look I proved all of you wrong I am a Mermaid!

Her eyes were clear that she was crazy. That blazed with fire and her smile made her look psychopathic.

Elsa: Ariel please don't do this.

I looked to her legs and looked like she stitched them together with blood dripping down. She was laughing and then fell.
No. No one came to save her I was not fast enough neither was Jack. She landed in the pond. It turned a bright red.....she was gone.

Elsa: Ariel! Ariel! No!

Jacks eyes were full of shock and grief he held me in his arms for the third time this year and just let me sob and cry.

Elsa: s s she was mmmmy friiend and noow shhheeess goone!

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