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Third Person POV

14 years ago

" Where's my mommy ? Mom where are you I'm so scared?" 4 years old Jungkook cries.

He's been wondering around the park where he lost his mother. Since this is the weekend the park is crowded and he can't seem to locate her. 

After moments of wondering around he decides to just sit down and cry. He didn't go unnoticed by a 5 years old Taehyung who was walking a few distance from him holding his mom's hand.

He managed to get his hand off his mother's grip and ran towards the crying boy. Leaving his mother calling from behind.

" Hey why are you crying like a baby ?" Taehyung asks Jungkook who looks up to him startled with teary eyes. Jungkook didn't answer he just stares at the kids who who is standing over him with his hand on his shoulder.

" Why are you alone?" Taehyung asks again receiving the same response. " You have to tell me so that my mom can help you".

"Are you lost ?" Jungkook nods his head to the question.

"Oh honey why did you leave my hand when I..." Mrs Kim says when she reachs the spot where the boys were at. She stops mid sentence seeing a small boy with tears down his cheeks with his son.

" Oh who is this cute little fella?" She says cupping Jungkook's cheeks ." Mom he is lost " Taehyung answers while taking Jungkook's hand to pull him up so he can stand.

" Oh god so that is why you are crying?   What is your name sweetie? Tell me so that I can go search for you mom" She asks him with the softest tone.

" Jungkook Jeon" he says in a small tone. " Okay Jungkook, can you tell me where your mom went?" She asks.

" I was playing at that swing and when I went to find mom after I didn't find her. I want my mom."

" Let me go and notify the guards to help me find her . I'm sure she around here looking for you. Tae stay here , don't go anywhere and donkey him go anywhere I'll be back" she says and then left.

                       *Few minutes later *

" You know that big boys don't cry right ? " Tae asks suddenly .

Jungkook just fiddle with his fingers looking down without answering. Tae grabs his chin gently and make him face him.

" Okay maybe they cry a little bit if they fell but when they are lost they ask for help okay" Jungkook just nods.

" I'm Taehyung by the way and I am now your hyung" he says smiling at Jungkook.

" Do you wanna be my friend?" He  asks Jungkook who nods . And that made Taehyung smile. " You are my first friend. I just hope mom will let me play with you . "

Mrs Kim came back with Mrs Jeon who was also searching for Jungkook. And since the boys lives in the same neighborhood it was easy for their friendship to develop.

A weird encounter and an awkward conversation not really a conversation since Tae did all the talking but it led to an amazing friendship.

                           *Present time*

"Mr Jeon you are late again" the teacher says for the hundredth time this year.

" I know" Jungkook says as he walks to sit next to his best friend Taehyung.

" You know , I'm tired of your shitty attitude . Why can't you just stop coming late and disturbing other learners" he says angrily.

" The only one disturbing us and wasting our time is you" he says glaring at the teacher before turning to his best friend and giving him a smile . Tae gives him an unimpressed look.

"That's it you are getting a detention"

Jungkook was about to answer when Tae hit his thigh to stop him .

"Stop backtalking you loud mouth" Tae whispers to him.



" What the hell was that ? I tell you every time to be respectful Jungkook but you never listen to me . What's up with you?" Taehyung scolds his friend as they are sitting at the cafeteria for lunch.

" Urghh Tae can we just drop this ? That teacher is annoying and you know that and you also didn't wake me up for school. You always call me to wake me" he says putting a cute pout on his face.

" Stop pouting I have to scold you. And you have to start being responsible Jungkook " Tae says trying so hard not to look at his friend's pouty face knowing that he will not be able to scold  him. Anyway who would scold such a cute face.

As for Jungkook he adds the puppy eyes knowing too well that he'll never fail in getting Tae to stop being angry on him.

" Stoppp!" Tae groans defeated " You always do this. Stop taking advantage of me Jungkook. And you really have to stop being rude to the teachers and I'm serious"

" Okay I'll stop but Tae what about the detention? I don't wanna be there by myself. Can't you..."

"No , I'll not stay behind for detention with you again Jungkook" Tae cuts him. This is not the first time where Jungkook asks him to stay behind with him for his detention.

" But Tae please for the last time . I won't ask again, I swear" he begs with his best puppy eyes l.

" Okay for the last time . And I swear there won't be a next time " Tae says groaning.

"You are the best " Jungkook says side hugging him.

                              * After school*

Taehyung POV

" So Tae are we still going to the party on Friday?" Jungkook asks while lying down beside me on my bed.

"I don't want to go . I don't even have nice clothes to wear " I say not wanting to go. I really hate parties . They are just not for me. All the sweaty and drunk people are really gross.

" Just wear a black shirt and black jeans and..."

" And black sneakers , I know. And no I'm not going to wear all black , I'm not like you. Wearing black every day is your thing" I cut him .

" You have to come Tae . There will be a lot of hot girls at the party and don't you think it's finally time you get laid" he says and I blush embarrassed.

" I don't want to have sex yet. I'm scared " I say trying to not meet his eyes, it's really embarrassing for a boy of my age to be a virgin in the society I live in.

" It's okay you don't have to get laid yet but you can date . I don't get why you never dated and why are you scared it's not like you'll be receiving it from  behind , so there's no reason to be scared" he jokes.

" Shut up you are the only one who gets it up the ass " I tease him since I know he is bisexual and dated Namjoon last year . And I'm sure he'd bottom to him.

" I told you we didn't have sex" he whines covering his face embarrassed. I like how cute he becomes when we are alone , it reminds me of when he was still young.

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